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19 votes

Use one Helm chart for ALL microservices?

Subcharts are the way to go. I've done a very similar thing as follows: Create one or more base charts which cover microservices that have similar configuration (e.g. one for backend microservices, ...
emorris's user avatar
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9 votes

How to pull a docker image from a private docker registry using Helm?

Based on this Github documentation it is possible to pull a docker image from a private docker registry: values.yaml imageCredentials: name: credentials-name registry: private-docker-registry ...
030's user avatar
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8 votes

Use one Helm chart for ALL microservices?

Generally, a Helm chart would cover all your microservices - ideally, you should be able to deploy whole application in one chart. It may get a little messy if you include external 3rd party ...
taleodor's user avatar
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5 votes

How to make Tiller highly available?

Running two tillers does not make it HA. There is an open issue at the moment.
030's user avatar
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5 votes

Kubernetes on k3s can't resolve domains from custom dns server ( with dnsmasq)

ibuildthecloud9 gave me the right hint. Since the github issue doesn't describe how to midify the dns, I figured it out and want to document it here in case someone need to change it, too. It's stored ...
Lion's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the impact of using Helm Deployments instead of StatefulSets for Databases like MongoDB or MySQL?

Back when Kubernetes announced the new StatefulSet feature with K8s v1.5 (converting it from the old PetSet name), they put out a really good blog post walking through an example of its usage: https://...
BoomShadow's user avatar
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5 votes

How to add timeout to a helm chart?

Since the timeout is a Helm option and not a Kubernetes object attribute, it can't be embedded in the chart itself. The --timeout option is the amount of time the Helm utility will wait for Kubernetes ...
swysocki's user avatar
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4 votes

Why does Helm time out on almost every action?

The problem was that nodes, while registered with kubeadm init were providing their private IPs to the cluster master. This caused problems, because master was trying to reach 192.0.*.* addresses ...
Morishiri's user avatar
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4 votes

Kubernetes on k3s can't resolve domains from custom dns server ( with dnsmasq)

I believe this is an current bug in k3s that upstream DNS is hardcoded to this should be resolved shortly
ibuildthecloud's user avatar
4 votes

helm - cannot get resource "namespaces" in API group

Check, this might help. I followed the instruction in the post: kubectl --namespace kube-system create serviceaccount tiller kubectl create ...
chenfwww's user avatar
4 votes

How is it a good practice to version your helm charts for each deployment?

Approach you are describing - where app version is substituted at helm upgrade command - is pretty popular as well. Maybe it's not well documented - I'm not sure about that. Yet another approach that ...
taleodor's user avatar
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4 votes

How is it a good practice to version your helm charts for each deployment?

So, I actually ended up with the following strategy. I separated the charts from the source code. Basically, I have a repository that tracks all the helm charts only Why? I wanted to have a ...
Ervadac's user avatar
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3 votes

Original Helm chart gone - how can I find / get it from the cluster?

You can use helm get manifest <RELEASE_NAME> to fetch the kubernets manifests and you can use helm get values <RELEASE_NAME> to get the values.yaml from the cluster. But I don't think ...
Florian Rusch's user avatar
3 votes

Helm install or upgrade release failed on Kubernetes cluster: the server could not find the requested resource or UPGRADE FAILED: no deployed releases

Yes this happens frequently when debugging helm releases. The problem happens when a previously failed release is preventing you from updating it. If you run helm ls you should see a release in ...
simbo1905's user avatar
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3 votes

Why does Helm time out on almost every action?

You have found a Kubernetes issue #22770, where there is a workaround mentioned here and it goes like follows: What you're experiencing is a known issue with k8s where for some operations it expects ...
mico's user avatar
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3 votes

GitLab CI/CD page listing many gitlab runners that no longer exist

Just unregister offline runners: As per GitLab Runner commands manual: To delete the old and removed from GitLab runners, execute the following command. gitlab-runner verify --delete You are ...
Yasen's user avatar
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3 votes

Use one Helm chart for ALL microservices?

I believe what you're asking is: "Is there any way to create just one helm chart that can be used for all microservices in my application?". If so, then you can just use the values.yaml file ...
Rohit Karthik's user avatar
3 votes

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable using Kubernetes

i'm guessing the problem is that the name of the service port is not configured, and in the ingress you specified the http name and it can not find it. name your port http , or give the port that you ...
danny kaplunski's user avatar
3 votes

Helm - UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "..." with kind Deployment: Deployment.apps

This is not a Helm issue. You are probably trying to update the LabelSelector fields which are immutable. This is expected behaviour as per the kubernetes.
rohatgisanat's user avatar
3 votes

helm check if key exist and then evaluate if it's value is true on single line condition

This wouldn't work. The second condition will be evaluated regardless of the first. So if the key is not defined there will be an error. Use default instead: {{- if eq (default .Values....
user42196's user avatar
2 votes

Deploy helm chart from Jenkins to Kubernetes

Use a docker image within your pipeline that has helm and other tools installed. To quote the docs: Pipeline is designed to easily use Docker images as the execution environment for a single ...
simbo1905's user avatar
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2 votes

Tfs octopus migration to k8s and docker

Helm is a Kubernetes tool so this answer assumes you are deploying to Kubernetes or OpenShift not Docker Swarm. If you are using Helm well then I don't think it is particularly important what build ...
simbo1905's user avatar
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2 votes

Stolon vs CrunchyData for HA Postgresql

I ended up using stolon for its automatic leader election and fail over handling. Crunchy Data offers small building blocks so there is a lot of work to do to put them all together while stolon has a ...
Nouran S. Ahmad's user avatar
2 votes

How to use same Helm dependency in many charts?

Finnaly, I found the solution, thanks to @simbo1905. All that I need to fix that problem: values.yaml Child Chart 1 (or two) postgresql: nameOverride: chart-1-postgres In the Child Chart 2 ...
Alexey Vinogradov's user avatar
2 votes

Getting permission denied with docker pipeline on jenkins

You need to add the jenkins user to the docker group: # run the following command as root usermod -aG docker jenkins
Hedi Nasr's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a way to combine helm with some other tool for k8s configuration management without conflicts?

Helm isn't made to be used this way. If you'd prefer to use a static deployment, you're better off using a plain Kubernetes manifest. Then, people changing the image field won't break your release. ...
maplebird's user avatar
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2 votes

Terrafrom to declare both infra and application deployment in one state

I tend to prefer infra code living separately from application deployment code. Multiple reasons for this: You want your infra team to make infra changes. You want your app team to make application ...
maplebird's user avatar
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2 votes

kubectl retrieve update time for the resource

Seems like these commands are sufficient $ kubectl rollout history deployment myapp $ kubectl rollout history deployment myapp --revision=76 and to check the difference (use diff or colordiff) ...
Most Wanted's user avatar
2 votes

Helm Error: INSTALLATION FAILED : manifests contain a resource that already exists

You can see everything helm has installed with helm list --all-namespaces Which should return something like this ❯ helm list --all-namespaces NAME NAMESPACE REVISION ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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2 votes

How to properly escape brackets in ArgoCD?

Try this "beauty": {{ "'{{steps.scheduler.outputs.result}} =~ example'" }} {{ "" }} - instructs go template to consider anything within as a literal ' - is a faint ...
Grigorash Vasilij's user avatar

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