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12 votes

How to configure Docker tooling on Eclipse?

Under Windows 10, you'll find the Docker Machine (docker-machine.exe) under: C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin This is the value you need to put in the Docker Machine field. You don't need ...
user3246276's user avatar
11 votes

Does Docker allow containers to be OS agnostic?

Does the Docker engine abstract away the OS such that this configuration will run both apps? No, it does not. Docker uses containerisation as a core technology, which relies on the concept of sharing ...
user2640621's user avatar
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10 votes

Configure Docker to use SSL for a private registry on Windows 10?

The official Docker documentation says: Docker recognizes certs stored under Trust Root Certification Authorities or Intermediate Certification Authorities. That is, you can proceed as the ...
Ta Mu's user avatar
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10 votes

Docker compose volume syntax valid for Windows and Linux

Yes. Just use ./ for you current directory that the Docker-compose file is in. Your "working directory" for the compose file is just "./". If you are trying to set a directory ...
Wesley Rolnick's user avatar
9 votes

How to use Vagrant and Docker-for-Windows on a Hyper-V system?

Confirmed by this answer on SO referencing Microsoft technet once Hyper-V is activated it mask the VT-X instructions of the processor to the OS on top of it and windows run like a guest. Docker for ...
Tensibai's user avatar
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7 votes

Cannot connect to or any other internet site from within container

The problem appears to be that the Windows images configure DNS to first be the default gateway of the NAT interface, and then the DNS of the host machine. DNS lookups fail against that first ...
Steven Murawski's user avatar
7 votes

Memory being abruptly freed up every day at about the same time

I think have found out why this graph looks like this. I am also gathering metrics for the ASP.NET Applications / Errors Total performance counter, and I have noticed that exactly at the same time ...
António Sérgio Simões's user avatar
7 votes

Memory being abruptly freed up every day at about the same time

I've seen this same "sawtooth" pattern in other systems, in particular a Java-based data tool. Based on your description, I think you're looking at .NET garbage collection (assuming this is a .NET ...
Dave Swersky's user avatar
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7 votes

Minikube - Is there a way to run Windows Containers?

It is not officially supported (as of Minikube 0.25.0, Kubernetes 1.9, January 2018). But there is Beta support for Windows server containers in Kubernetes. These articles contain more information: ...
Paidhi's user avatar
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6 votes

How are you enforcing git behavior, including locally (particularly on Windows)?

To answer the question of how to enforce something locally, you can't without doing some very heavy lifting around managing and enforcing the state of every developers workstation, and I'm usually of ...
hvindin's user avatar
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5 votes

Cannot connect to or any other internet site from within container

At a command prompt run ipconfig /all and look for a DNS Servers line in the output with something that looks like an IPv4 address. That's your host machine's DNS server(s). Edit C:\ProgramData\Docker\...
sussexrick's user avatar
5 votes

What are best practices to solve `All files/directories will have '-rwxr-xr-x' permissions` when building docker images on Windows?

It is not currently possible to disable that warning, see discussions on Issue 20397: That warning was added, because the Windows filesystem does not have an option to mark a file as 'executable'....
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar
5 votes

How to set minikube to auto start on windows log on?

Should the normal startup functionality of w10 work? To change which apps run at startup, press and hold (or right-click) the Start button, select Task Manager, and then select the Startup tab. ...
mico's user avatar
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5 votes

How to use Vagrant and Docker-for-Windows on a Hyper-V system?

A few years later this thread is still the first result in Google, but running Docker+Vagrant (with VirtualBox) on Windows isn't a challenge anymore. You can easily run them both, as described here If ...
kubut's user avatar
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4 votes

How are you enforcing git behavior, including locally (particularly on Windows)?

We require a review process using Pull requests in github onto our main dev or master branches. During that review process, we will mark pull requests as requiring changes if many files have white ...
avi's user avatar
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4 votes

How to create Golang Linux binaries using a Windows host

You can easily set the target operating system and processor architecture using the environment variables GOOS and GOARCH respectively. So, as you want to build it for linux operating system, ...
mohan08p's user avatar
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4 votes

How to insert a minion Powershell variable into Salt Pillar or Mine?

You can only insert the return into the mine. Just specify the (or possibly cmd.script) in your mine_functions and you will get the whole return back. If you want to have a script that sets ...
gtmanfred's user avatar
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4 votes

What approach should I follow for adopting continuous integration?

I am in a similar pair of shoes as you - I am currently, slowly, getting into the DevOps topics after having many, many years of conventional development (and close connections to conventional ops) ...
AnoE's user avatar
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4 votes

Which Chef software do we need to install for Windows?

A node in chef terminology is a machine managed with chef-client. Chef-client is available for various OS, windows, Linux, Aix, Mac etc. However the chef-server is only available for linux.
Tensibai's user avatar
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4 votes

Why does my Docker composer not work with volume?

It seems there is a spacing issue in your yaml You should change the compose file to version : '3.4' services: testando-volume-compartilhado-a: image: carloshenriquecarniatto/teste:latest ...
4 votes

No Kubernetes Option in Docker Desktop for Windows

You need to first switch to Edge version by going to the Docker -> Settings -> General tab. Then, you have to enable the kubernetes. Open Docker for Windows settings by accessing your system ...
Samit's user avatar
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4 votes

DNS resolution fails when container is started via docker-compose

Workaround While have not found the root cause for why this only affects the specific combination of windows containers and docker-compose, i want to add the workaround mentioned in the second edit ...
AdrianDeWinter's user avatar
3 votes

What approach should I follow for adopting continuous integration?

As you are already using Bitbucket, Bitbucket pipelines could be useful. What languages are supported? Node, Ruby, Python, PHP, and more. Anything you can run in a Docker container is ...
030's user avatar
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3 votes

How are you enforcing git behavior, including locally (particularly on Windows)?

You could use per repository config to override the user's config on a per-repository basis. When done on the repo considered to be the central source it should propagate with clones and pulls to ...
Newtopian's user avatar
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3 votes

Who redirect ports on Windows to access http container?

it uses the Hyper-V Virtual Switch (
Fabian's user avatar
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3 votes

How to create Golang Linux binaries using a Windows host

It seems that docker build opens a new shell and export is needed. The following command created a Linux binary: export GOOS=linux; go build hello-world.go
030's user avatar
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3 votes

Which Chef software do we need to install for Windows?

To clear which module you need to install & where, just go through the terminology of chef at For workstation, you need to install chefDK For node, you need to install chefclient For ...
Himanshu Phoolwar's user avatar
3 votes

Docker compose volume syntax valid for Windows and Linux

PS C:\Users\gaius> Write-Output $PSVersionTable.PSVersion Major Minor Build Revision ----- ----- ----- -------- 5 1 17763 592 PS C:\Users\gaius> Write-Output $pwd Path ...
Gaius's user avatar
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3 votes

Pulling windows base images fails

The problem is twofold: The Win10 LTSB is on its newest version and Docker has stopped supporting this version. This stops Docker from updating. Microsoft has moved to its own container registry and ...
Dawnkeeper's user avatar
3 votes

What about installing an Antivirus on Windows K8s nodes?

I don't have much experience with Symantec (I don't really like the product). But searching on Google apparently has some steps to set up, as they don't natively support Kuberentes as an application. ...
Vader's user avatar
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