We do have this configuration in our GUI based Jenkins project, trying to convert it to Jenkins pipeline, couldn't find how to add precurse-build as dependent build as shown in red below.

Gerrit Trigger Plugin options

I added below below pipeline code to trigger the build whenrun_job is added as gerrit comment, and it works good, would anyone please show me how to add Other jobs on which this job depends to this?

pipeline {
    triggers {
         gerrit dynamicTriggerConfiguration: 'true',
                triggerConfigURL: 'https://some/url/path/trigger.txt',
                serverName: 'gerrit-server',
                triggerOnEvents: [

    stages {

1 Answer 1


The "correct" way to determine the names for Pipeline step parameters is to use the Pipeline Snippet generator in the web UI:


However, based on browsing the source code, I am guessing the name of the parameter you are looking for is dependencyJobsNames.

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