I am trying to use the credentials parameter for a git clone. But i am getting the error that the variables are not found

Param definition

  credentials (credentialType: 'Username with password', defaultValue: 'fcb2d7c3-4b35-4ef2-bdf0-24fc4ff1137c', description: 'Git credential', name: 'git_credential', required: true)

Usage in stage

withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: params.git_credential, passwordVariable: 'DOCKER_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'DOCKER_USERNAME')]) {
sh 'git reset --hard; git clone https://${DOCKER_USERNAME}:${DOCKER_PASSWORD}@repo_url/scm/${params.repository}.git --branch master'

Error: Wrong variable used

1 Answer 1


withCredentials publish environment variables, and in sh to access the environment variables, you have to do it like this: "${env.JOB_BASE_NAME}".

Try this:

withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: params.git_credential, passwordVariable: 'DOCKER_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'DOCKER_USERNAME')]) {
   sh 'git reset --hard; git clone https://${env.DOCKER_USERNAME}:${env.DOCKER_PASSWORD}@repo_url/scm/${params.repository}.git --branch master'

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