I have followed the guide in https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-the-c-lambda-runtime/ to package my c++ lambda function into a zip file. The zip file has the contents: function.zip bin function lib many .so files, etc. bootstrap
In the guide the lambda is deployed using the aws lambda create-function
with the handler specified to be the same as the zip file name.
I would like to configure this lambda function in my serverless.yml and deploy it with the rest of my lambdas. I am not sure what the handler field below should be and using the zip file name didn't work out.
runtime: provided
- function.zip
handler: function
- http:
path: function
method: get
cors: true
authorizer: aws_iam
When I run serverless deploy -v
I get warnings like:
Serverless: WARNING: Entry for function@function could not be retrieved. Please check your service config if you want to use lib.entries.