I need to create a datadog synthetics monitors with the resource datadog_synthetics_test

I need to monitor multiples cluster, with multiple point of view :

# Clusters
variable "datadog_gke_clusters" {
  default = [
    # NPRD
      name        = "cluster01"
      environment = "nprd"
      url = {
        private = "https://private.domain-priv.com"
        public  = "https://public.domain.com"
    # PROD
      name        = "cluster02"
      environment = "nprd"
      url = {
        private = "https://private.domain-priv.com"
        public  = "https://public.domain.com"

# Point of views
variable "gke_slo" {
  description = "Response time threshold in ms to respond to a request."
  default = [
      zone              = private
      monitor_threshold = 50
      zone              = public
      monitor_threshold = 100

for_each need a map or a list of strings

resource "datadog_synthetics_test" "gke-monitoring" {
  for_each = ... # cartesian product of lists

  type    = "api"
  subtype = "http"

There is a function [setproduct(sets...)][1] which produce a list which combine values of each list, but not a map.

I would need to produce a map which look like this :

    "cluster01-private" = {
      name        = "cluster01"
      environment = "nprd"
      url = {
        private = "https://private.cluster01.domain-priv.com"
        public  = "https://public.cluster01.domain.com"
      zone              = private
      monitor_threshold = 50
    "cluster01-public" = {
      name        = "cluster01"
      environment = "nprd"
      url = {
        private = "https://private.cluster01.domain-priv.com"
        public  = "https://public.cluster01.domain.com"
      zone              = public
      monitor_threshold = 100
    # PROD
    .... etc

How could I do that ?

3 Answers 3


In 2 steps, you can first create your cartesian product in a variable:

locals {
  datadog_gke_clusters_by_pov = flatten([
    for cluster in var.datadog_gke_clusters : [
      for pov in var.gke_slo_ : {
        cluster    = cluster
        pov        = pov

And then use this new variable in your resource block:

resource "datadog_synthetics_test" "gke-monitoring" {
  for_each = {
    for valuue in local.datadog_gke_clusters_by_pov : "${valuue.cluster.name}-${valuue.pov.zone_name}" => valuue
# here you can use each.value.cluster.* and each.value.pov.*

Have a good day!


As in Terraform, a loop "products" a result (a map, a list, an object...), in this case, you have to avoid nested loop:

# Clusters
variable "datadog_gke_clusters" {
  type = list(object({
    name        = string
    environment = string
    url = object({
      private = string
      public  = string
  default = [
    # NPRD
      name        = "cluster01"
      environment = "nprd"
      url = {
        private = "https://private.domain-priv.com"
        public  = "https://public.domain.com"
    # PROD
      name        = "cluster02"
      environment = "nprd"
      url = {
        private = "https://private.domain-priv.com"
        public  = "https://public.domain.com"

# Point of views
variable "gke_slo" {
  type = list(object({
    zone              = string
    monitor_threshold = number
  description = "Response time threshold in ms to respond to a request."
  default = [
      zone              = "private"
      monitor_threshold = 50
      zone              = "public"
      monitor_threshold = 100

locals {
  result = {
    for tuple in setproduct(var.datadog_gke_clusters, var.gke_slo): "${tuple[0].name}_${tuple[1].zone}" => {
      name              = tuple[0].name
      environment       = tuple[0].environment
      url               = tuple[0].url
      zone              = tuple[1].zone
      monitor_threshold = tuple[1].monitor_threshold

output "result" {
  value = local.result

Here we use setproduct to produce a list(list(tuple(cluster,pov)) and then we can iterate on the first list to produce the expected result.


Your loop is being nested.

Use this instead.

# Clusters
variable "datadog_gke_clusters" {
  type = list(object({
    name        = string
    environment = string
    url = object({
      private = string
      public  = string
  default = [
    # NPRD
      name        = "cluster01"
      environment = "nprd"
      url = {
        private = "https://private.domain-priv.com"
        public  = "https://public.domain.com"
    # PROD
      name        = "cluster02"
      environment = "nprd"
      url = {
        private = "https://private.domain-priv.com"
        public  = "https://public.domain.com"

# Point of views
variable "gke_slo" {
  type = list(object({
    zone              = string
    monitor_threshold = number
  description = "Response time threshold in ms to respond to a request."
  default = [
      zone              = "private"
      monitor_threshold = 50
      zone              = "public"
      monitor_threshold = 100

locals {
  result = {
    for tuple in setproduct(var.datadog_gke_clusters, var.gke_slo): "${tuple[0].name}_${tuple[1].zone}" => {
      name              = tuple[0].name
      environment       = tuple[0].environment
      url               = tuple[0].url
      zone              = tuple[1].zone
      monitor_threshold = tuple[1].monitor_threshold

output "result" {
  value = local.result

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