I need to do the following in Terraform but can't work out how
Here is what I have
local {
app_config = {
test-web = {
name = "test-web-${local.environment}"
websockets = false
subnet = "backend"
audience_subnet = "frontend"
url = "https://test-web-${local.environment}.mydomain.com"
test-api = {
name = "test-api-${local.environment}"
websockets = false
subnet = "backend"
audience_subnet = "frontend"
url = "https://test-api-${local.environment}.mydomain.com"
keyvault_secrets = {
aat = {
test-api = {
application_id = "1111"
client_id = "2222"
administrator_pass = "3333"
test-web = {
application_id = "4444"
client_id = "5555"
administrator_pass = "6666"
Demo = {
test-api = {
application_id = "1212"
client_id = "2323"
administrator_pass = "3434"
test-web = {
application_id = "4545"
client_id = "5656"
administrator_pass = "6767"
Dev = {
test-api = {
application_id = "9999"
client_id = "8888"
administrator_pass = "7777"
test-web = {
application_id = "9898"
client_id = "8787"
administrator_pass = "7676"
resource "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "app_id" {
for_each = var.apps_config
name = var.apps_config
value = each.value.application_id
key_vault_id = data.azurerm_key_vault.mykv.id
resource "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "client_id" {
for_each = var.apps_config
name = var.apps_config
value = each.value.client_id
key_vault_id = data.azurerm_key_vault.mykv.id
resource "azurerm_key_vault_secret" "admin_pass" {
for_each = var.apps_config
name = var.apps_config
value = each.value.administrator_pass
key_vault_id = data.azurerm_key_vault.mykv.id
What I can't work out is how you do the following: For every app_config defined, for example: test-web test-api
A Key Vault secret are created by the environment defined when running:
Terraform plan or apply -var="environment=dev"
I want it to create the 3 secrets for each app_config