I can connect to the Kubernetes API from a container running inside the cluster with an OIDC token like so:

kubectl —token $token get pod

I would now like to prepare a kubeconfig such that other programs that don’t support --token can connect as well. I am trying this in the specific context of docker buildx create --driver kubernetes ...; docker buildx build . where the 2nd part needs to create a deployment. Here's how I have proceeded:

tmp=$(mktemp -p $PWD)
kubectl config --kubeconfig $tmp set-cluster cluster \
  --certificate-authority /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt 
kubectl config --kubeconfig $tmp set-credentials user --auth-provider oidc \
  --auth-provider-arg idp-issuer-url=... \
  --auth-provider-arg client-id=... \
  --auth-provider-arg id-token=$token
kubectl config --kubeconfig $tmp set-context context --cluster cluster --user user
kubectl config --kubeconfig $tmp use-context context
export KUBECONFIG=$tmp
kubectl get pod

kubectl get pod now fails with "Unable to connect to the server: No valid id-token, and cannot refresh without refresh-token". Why does it deem $token invalid when it has worked just before with kubectl get pod --token (and still does)? How can create a kubeconfig "envelope" around $token such that kubectl get pod will accept it and won't fail? (I've not specified refresh-token because it shouldn't be needed in the case of a valid token and because I don't have it readily available inside the container.)

1 Answer 1


I have come to the (preliminary) conclusion that this cannot be done.

First, I had set the wrong idp-issuer-url. I had selected the IDP that normally serves during OIDC authentication to the Kubernetes cluster. But $token (or $CI_JOB_JWT in GitLab CI/CD parlance) was not generated there but by GitLab instead. Inspection e.g. at jwt.io indicates "iss": "kubernetes/serviceaccount", so --auth-provider-arg idp-issuer-url=kubernetes/serviceaccount should be a better choice.

But this inspection also reveals that the JWT does carry a claim aud, hence no client-id. kubectl in particular (and perhaps OIDC in general) apparently insist on a non-empty client-id (otherwise: "error: Must provide client-id"). So I guess what happens is that kubectl checks the issuer (signer) and client-id for $token (claims iss and aud in its JWT payload) before it will use it. The check for client-id must fail, at which point kubectl tries a token refresh and that fails again.

If that diagnosis is correct this cannot be done because kubectl insists on a client-id whereas GitLab does not provide one in $token. I guess the reason for the discrepancy is that GitLab's is a general JWT token, whereas kubectl (more specifically, its OIDC autentication provider) expects a OIDC id tokens in particular (unless it is invoked with --token, which apparently bypasses kubeconfig and hence the OIDC authentication provider).

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