We're using ArgoCD to manage deployments, and I'm in the process of sorting out the config repository. I'm planning on having pull requests for any change to the config, and I want to validate the configuration to ensure it's not breaking anything. I've done some looking around, and it looks like the main options are kubeval, kubeconform or using --dry-run with kubectl.

Due to kubectl actually connecting to the cluster, and have the cluster perform the validation I prefer this approach as it should catch every possible error, however I'm running into a problem.

One of the resources uses generateName which is not compatible with kubectl apply, so if I try and validate using kubectl apply -f manifest.yaml --dry-run=server I get the error cannot use generate name with apply. To get around this, I tried to use kubectl create -f manifest.yaml --dry-run=server but instead I get a load of errors about resources already existing (understandable).

So how can I do this? I can't use apply, and I can't use create. Are there any other options? Does anyone know what Argo uses to validate, because if I push something invalid it presents an error before it is told to sync.

  • dealing with generateNames, we might use BeforeHookCreation ( argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user-guide/resource_hooks/… ). Although this would not answer your question regarding dry-runs ... leaving ArgoCD context/tip testing kube code: use k3s. You may start a k3s instance inside your Kubernetes cluster (or on your laptop), then work with that disposable API, and delete that container once you're done testing.
    – SYN
    Commented Oct 29, 2022 at 8:26
  • here's a sample, using Tekton, testing a Kubernetes controller, authenticating against some disposable k3s sidecar: gitlab.com/synacksynack/opsperator/docker-operator/-/blob/… . For sure it could be simplified testing kubernetes yamls, helm charts, ... Keep in mind k3s is a lightweight version of kubernetes / might need to customize your k3s installation, or just create fake Custom Resources Definitions, depending on which objects you expect to test
    – SYN
    Commented Oct 29, 2022 at 8:29
  • Reading back your question, I'm having doubts ... regarding the create/apply/generateName thing, abstracting from your stack, probably something like: kubectl create -f manifest.yaml --dry-run -o yaml | kubectl apply --dry-run=server -f-
    – SYN
    Commented Oct 29, 2022 at 8:37
  • 1
    So far I've got close by actually creating a namespace, then running the create command with a dry run flag, then remove the namespace after. I tested it locally and it seemed to work so I'm just plumbing it into the CI at the moment and will report back.
    – PaReeOhNos
    Commented Nov 1, 2022 at 15:37

1 Answer 1


After a lot of playing around, I came to a working solution that I briefly mentioned in a comment in the original question. The CI is now creating a namespace on the cluster, running the dry run apply and then deleting the namespace when finished. Not sure if this is the perfect solution but it's working as I hoped.

helm template . \
  --values common/values-common.yaml \
  --values variants/$VARIANT/values-$VARIANT.yaml \
  --name-template=github-actions-test \
  --set image.tag=github-actions-test \
  --namespace $NAMESPACE \
  --debug > dry-run.yaml

kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
echo "errors=$(kubectl create -f dry-run.yaml -n $NAMESPACE --dry-run=server -o yaml 2>&1 > /dev/null)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
kubectl delete namespace $NAMESPACE

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