In our company multiple stakeholders create test systems in k8s that they forget to remove. The aim is to remove namespaces that are older than one week automatically. Is there a certain operator that is able to do this?
2 Answers
I recommend that you have an expire-date as label or annotation on the namespaces used for test. Then you can have a Job to clean-up expired namespaces.
While I don't know of any operator that allows for this directly, it can be done with a bash one liner with awk
, xargs
, sed
, and gnu date
. I've taken it from this post and modified it to do namespaces, and to not delete the default
or kube-*
kubectl get namespaces -o go-template --template '{{range .items}}{{}} {{.metadata.creationTimestamp}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}' | awk '$2 <= "'$(date -d '1 week ago' -Ins --utc | sed 's/+0000/Z/')'" && $1 !~ /(default|kube.*)/ { print $1 }' | xargs --no-run-if-empty kubectl delete namespace
Be careful using this though, it's worth running it without the final xargs call to verify that it is selecting the namespaces you are interested in.