i need to check more than 100 servers for the snapd package, but I don't like the output at all. I searched all day for different options without luck. Attached is the output of ansible-playbook. Any hints guys? enter image description here

 - hosts: centos
   become: true
    - name: Check Hostname
      command: /usr/bin/hostname

    - name: Check for package if is installed
        list: snapd
      register: result

For checking the package version I tried with the following playbook but Ansible doesn't like the syntax:

 - hosts: test2
   become: true
    - name: Check Hostname
      command: /usr/bin/hostname

    - name: Check for package if is installed
        list: snapd
      register: package_name_version

    - name: set package version
        package_name_version: "{{ package_name_version.results|selectattr('yumstate','equalto','installed')|map(attribute='version')|list|first }}"

Thanks, Juls

  • 1
    I simple way would be to do ansible -i <inventory> <target group, lets' say some CentOS systems> -m shell -a "rpm -qa | grep <package name>"; that would display a list consisting of server name and package version.
    – 13dimitar
    Commented Feb 19, 2019 at 11:28
  • 1
    @13dimitar you should put that ad-hoc play into an answer :-)
    – simbo1905
    Commented Feb 19, 2019 at 17:49

3 Answers 3


Ansible approach. Due to the possibility of multiple versions of the same package being installed, the package dictionary value is a list. To resolve this, simply take the first element of the list.

    - name: Gather the package facts
        manager: auto

    - name: Check whether a package is installed
        msg: "{{ ansible_facts.packages['google-chrome-stable'][0].version }}"
      when: "'google-chrome-stable' in ansible_facts.packages"

A simple way would be to do:

ansible -i <inventory> <target group, lets' say some CentOS systems> -m shell -a "rpm -qa | grep <package name>"

That would display a list consisting of server name and package version.


The "Ansible approach" would look like this:

- name: Check whether a package called snapd is installed
    msg: "{{ ansible_facts.packages['snapd'].version }} version of snapd is installed!"
  when: "'snapd' in ansible_facts.packages"

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