My goal has been to setup Vault in HA mode.
Based on the docs, I was under the assumption that if you had a node that is in 'standby' it would forward to the active node, thus not having to unseal (assuming the active node was already unsealed). Right now, non of the nodes forward/redirect - they just serve the Vault UI.
Here's my existing Vault config:
ui = true
api_addr = "https://{{inventory_hostname}}:8200"
cluster_addr = "https://{{inventory_hostname}}:8201"
storage "etcd" {
address = "https://etcdhost:2379"
etcd_api = "v3"
ha_enabled = "true"
tls_ca_file = "{{tls_path}}rootCA.crt"
tls_cert_file = "{{tls_path}}etcd.crt"
tls_key_file = "{{tls_path}}etcd.key"
path = "{{etcd_path}}"
listener "tcp" {
address = ""