I have a few packer templates which have several builders - up to 5 per template. This makes it very easy to provision all the resources necessary in a pipeline -- however by default packer writes all the output in a single stream. Yes, it separates builders by colour which makes it a bit easier to see what's going on, but it is nevertheless very difficult to find where a particular build failed.
I would like to know what would be a good way to split the packer output per builder into a separate file.
Note :
- I do not want to lose paralellism
- I do accept that some post-processing of the log is necessary
Packer has a -machine-readable
flag which writes things like :
1564995900,,ui,message, admin-ami: Instance ID: i-04ef2474a070403ad
1564995900,,ui,say,==> admin-ami: Waiting for instance (i-04ef2474a070403ad) to become ready...
which one could parse.