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Questions tagged [openwhisk]

For questions about OpenWhisk, an Apache serverless platform.

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2 answers

how long does it take to deploy a serverless function?

using any method - cli,, terraform, roughly: how much time can i expect to pass between these two steps: submitting a new function to AWS (or azure or GCF), and having that function ...
stuart's user avatar
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Openwhisk alternative to IBM?

IBM is deprecating Cloud Functions, its Openwhisk Functions as a service offering. Is there anybody else proposing a similar offering? I know I could use a generic hosting service and install ...
Vic Seedoubleyew's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

What is OpenWhisk and how to setup a cluster using this technology?

On IBM bluemix platform it is possible to write cloud functions using OpenWhisk, but what is OpenWhisk and how to setup a cluster using this technology?
mohan08p's user avatar
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