I'm setting up Vault to store secrets. SSH backend with OTP auth looks like a good way to stop managing SSH keys for access.

I have SSH backend working, and am looking at hooking up Jenkins with the SSH-OTP auth so that I can remove the deployment keys too.

I looked at Jenkins plugins for vault, but they only work for fetching secrets from Vault.

Are there plugins or any Jenkins hacks for this purpose, or if not, is it possible to write one of my own?

Note: Right now, Jenkins uses SSH keys. I want to eliminate the use of keys, and configure Jenkins to get an SSH OTP from Vault every time it needs to SSH into some host for a deploy.

  • Could you explain what does not work?
    – 030
    Commented Aug 11, 2017 at 6:12
  • 1
    If you use abbreviations, please define them the first time. In the mean time, I assume that you mean One-Time SSH Password when you talk about OTP. You could also add documentation links you have read to the question.
    – 030
    Commented Dec 31, 2017 at 11:45
  • Could you indicate whether you solved the issue?
    – 030
    Commented Dec 23, 2019 at 7:54

1 Answer 1


I looked at Jenkins plugins for vault, but they only work for fetching secrets from Vault.

It depends how the current configuration looks like that is used to deploy apps.


If one uses Jenkins pipelines, then one could replace the keyId with the one that is defined in Hashicorp vault.

node {
  // define the secrets and the env variables
  def secrets = [
      [$class: 'VaultSecret', path: 'secret/testing', secretValues: [
          [$class: 'VaultSecretValue', envVar: 'testing', vaultKey: 'value_one'],
          [$class: 'VaultSecretValue', envVar: 'testing_again', vaultKey: 'value_two']]],
      [$class: 'VaultSecret', path: 'secret/another_test', secretValues: [
          [$class: 'VaultSecretValue', envVar: 'another_test', vaultKey: 'value']]]

  // optional configuration, if you do not provide this the next higher configuration
  // (e.g. folder or global) will be used
  def configuration = [$class: 'VaultConfiguration',
                       vaultUrl: 'http://my-very-other-vault-url.com',
                       vaultCredentialId: 'my-vault-cred-id']

  // inside this block your credentials will be available as env variables
  wrap([$class: 'VaultBuildWrapper', configuration: configuration, vaultSecrets: secrets]) {
      sh 'echo $testing'
      sh 'echo $testing_again'
      sh 'echo $another_test'

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