How can happen that with a Lambda/API Gateway combination, if no explicit Cloud Front configuration has been done, in an error response header they mention CloudFront?
header: x-amzn-ErrorType: ForbiddenException
header: x-amz-apigw-id: P3mmbT_DREF8bg=
header: X-Cache: Error from cloudfront
Actual problem: with a disabled API key, API keeps responding "forbidden".
UPDATE. As it seems the problem is not related to the Edge API/CloudFront, as the problem with disabled key persists also on changing API type to regional.
UPDATE. I can now disable API key checking as suggested by @Harish i.e. it's not about disabling the API key itself but telling the API whether it's required or not.
What is yet open though is why if created by Zappa, there is no option to change this setting in the UI, because there are not single methods.
setting to enable/disable API key requirement for individual routes in your API.