I want to use the service tags REST API endpoint to get all the AzureCloud datacenter public IP addresses.
I am aware that I could manually download the generated json
file from Microsoft.
My end goal is to use the endpoint to programmatically automate a task.
I can get a response with status code 200 of about 46k lines, but the AzureCloud tag is nowhere in the response body. It skips from AzureBotService to AzureCognitiveSearch. I believe AzureCloud should be between those two tags.
Firstly, I created an account using the AZ CLI tool with az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "MyApp"
With a tenant ID, app ID/client ID, password/client secret, subscription ID. I can use https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{ tenant_id }}/oauth2/token
to get a bearer token.
Using the bearer token, I can query the service tags using https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{{ subscription_id }}/providers/Microsoft.Network/locations/eastus/serviceTags?api-version=2020-05-01
What I've done
I came across a GitHub issue that is somewhat related to my problem stating that by design, we cannot get all the datacenter public IPs if the user does not have subscription level rights.
I tried the following commands to try to give subscription scope rights to my app, but to no avail:
az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "MyApp2" --role reader --scopes "/subscriptions/{{ subscription_id }}"
to create a new account while specifying reader role and scope of the subscription. (I have retried the API with the new IDs as well).az role assignment create --assignee "{{ app_id }}" --role "Reader" --scope "/subscriptions/{{ subscription_id }}"
to create a new role and specify scope.az role assignment create --assignee "{{ app_id }}" --role "Owner" --subscription "{{ subscription_id }}"
to create a new role and specify subscription.
My app still has the scope set to "This resource".
I suspect there is something I am misunderstanding about Azure, given I am completely new to Azure (just created a free trial account yesterday).
All help will be appreciated, thank you!