In the Open Source ventilator project, we aim to provide those who focus on testing with a ready-to-go flash file for the Arduino controller board.

While the binaries seem to be there, for some reason the CI job can't pickup the artifacts.

What is happening:

  • a CI/CD pipeline creates two files which can be listed using find
  • in the next step, this pipeline reports it can't find these artifacts. It says, "no matching files/no files to upload".

What's the error and how to fix/troubleshoot? Why does this job end up as successful?

CI job definition:

  stage: build
    - docker
    -  |

        git clone -b ci-gh https://github.com/mattd3v/Open-Source-Ventilator.git
        cd Open-Source-Ventilator/OpenSourceVentilator/
        arduino-cli compile --warnings all --fqbn arduino:avr:uno -o osv-controller-uno.bin OpenSourceVentilator.ino
        find .
    - ./osv-controller-uno.bin.hex
    - ./osv-controller-uno.bin.elf

Pipeline output:


[0K[0K[36;1m Saving cache[0;m
[0K section_start:1586713991:upload_artifacts_on_success
[0K [0K [36;1m

Uploading artifacts for successful job[0;m
Uploading artifacts...[0;m

[0;33m WARNING: ./osv-controller-uno.bin.hex: no matching files[0;m 
[0;33m WARNING: ./osv-controller-uno.bin.elf: no matching files[0;m 

[31;1mERROR: No files to upload                         [0;m 
[0K[32;1mJob succeeded
  • 1
    I assume the runner uses the root of the build dir. I would try - Open-Source-Ventilator/OpenSourceVentilator/osv-controller-uno.bin.hex
    – casey vega
    Commented Apr 13, 2020 at 21:28

1 Answer 1


As Casey Vega commented: provide the complete path.

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