I have created one application where I use Nginx-Ingress Controller version 3.29.0. Without using network security policy I'm able to access my application. But, after applying network security policy, I'm unable to access my application. I checked all logs and troubleshoots the whole application but there is nothing anything odd. all my services and nginx ingress controller are working fine. But still when I go to access my application it will show me error that, "To long to respond".

Can any one help me with this? Is there anything like nginx-ingress controller is not compatible with network security policies or what? and how can I solve this?

Nginx-Ingress Controller version - 3.29.0 Kubernetes version - 1.19.7

Thank you.

1 Answer 1


I don't think it is the compatibility, need to really see your configuration to be sure. But most likely, you block something wrongly. If you use the default network policy api networking.k8s.io/v1 notice that it only allows what is defined.

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