Much of DevOps recruitement happens to follow along the lines of keyword matching, which leads in my opinion to solely technology focus.
Now, DevOps is about so much more than just technology, and DevOps Engineer is not just a better system administrator with some coding skills.
Senior DevOps role/profile means to me also offering seniority in many other foundations and practices beyond infrastructure and software engineering skills like Lean, Measurement and being open and communicative (who asks DevOps hires for their communication skills, honestly?!)
So, can a job ad / interview be more efficient in some way - for example, by applying questioning CALMS categories as well? - Leading to questions like "now, how do you apply lean principles? How were cultural aspects addressed in your recent DevOps projects?"
Further elaboration:
- Culture (e.g. strategies for conflict management and attitude to failures, own and others')
- Automation (here you ask about Puppet/Docker etc skills)
- Lean (foundations of Lean? Waste types?)
- Measurement (ask for tools like JMeter but go also to things like sampling, data modeling..)
- Sharing (obviously knowledge management and according tools)
UPDATE - so why wouldn't employers/recruiters structure the interview by CALMS as shown below (additionally, the "automation" section could be formulated along the DevOps toolchain model (document link, readonly)?
Side note - so culture for example is actually not just a soft skill anymore, for DevOps it is one of the core skills - like all the others in this domain.