I see two approaches :
Save current branch name on a variable and check it in a if statement
CURRENT_BRANCH = '...' // some value or parameter
stage('only on master') {
if (CURRENT_BRANCH == 'master') {
input {
// be sure to check if input was set or define a default value
Run a shell script to know if current folder is a git repo on master
The following command check if current folder is a git repository printing "true" ( or returning a error if does not have repo)
git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree
The next, print the current branch name
git branch | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2
Use both to create a script that sets an environment variable.
Check the value on your pipeline, to show the input
stage('only on master') {
// Set true on IS_ON_MASTER if current branch is master,
// otherwise set false
sh ./check-branch-master.sh
if (env.IS_ON_MASTER) {
input {