If you look at the charts closely, you will see that a spike is always of a very short duration - just enough time for the automated monitoring systems written by the owner to terminate those systems gracefully. In addition, you will occasionally find that the price drops down to 0 immediately following a spike. That is because all systems in that data center are in use as on demand systems, with no systems available for spot pricing the price is effectively zero.
When your spot instance flagged for termination, a message indicating this will be available on the system at the local meta-data uri of There will be 3 minutes until it terminates. More then enough time in most cases to handle termination automatically. Bidding above the demand price is only necessary for deployments which require more then a few minutes to terminate gracefully.
If it is not possible to design your system to terminate gracefully, archive data, etc in 3 minutes you can place a bid higher then the demand price to gain time. The system can even be designed to proactively monitor the current spot price and swap over before the price goes over. But for those times it does, you will need to make a business decision on how much it is worth for the time to terminate gracefully.
It is foolish to pay $100/hour for 4-5 hours in order to keep your system. However, if it will take your system 30 minutes to terminate all the processes gracefully, you can make a business decision how much it is worth to potentially lose any data, or degrade your horizontally scaled service. An e-commerce site with a net profit of $10,000 an hour can certainly afford to pay $1000 to keep 2 spot instances running for 15 to 30 minutes while bringing up demand systems and archiving data.
Web based application can use Elastic Load Balancer to help in addressing termination automatically. A smart implementor would put in place a set of scripts to handle the alert. They could maintain 2 low cost on demand instances which are load balanced - and then use up to half a dozen medium cost systems via spot instances to maintain high performance and spend less then a single on demand system of the same capacity.
Leave 3 of them paying up to $100/hour and 3 of them paying only up to half the on demand price. As AWS terminates instances, ELB will adjust automatically. Giving the automated system up to an hour to adjust for a mere $200.