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Questions tagged [kafka]

Use this tag for questions about Apache Kafka - a distributed streaming (aka publish and subscribe or pub/sub) platform.

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Confluent Kafka helm chart - broker pods not being able to communicate to Zookeper overtime

We are running confluent helm chart on a lot of clusters, we occasionally get brokers pods failing after some time and no self-heal after is following, the error in the broker usually is the following:...
anVzdGFub3RoZXJodW1hbg's user avatar
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Proper way to horizontally scale Kafka 3 KRaft cluster

I am working with a Kafka 3.6.1 cluster (KRaft mode enabled) and would like some guidance on scaling Kafka brokers and controllers. Below are the details of my setup and the steps I followed, along ...
Joom187's user avatar
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