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Questions tagged [kafka]

Use this tag for questions about Apache Kafka - a distributed streaming (aka publish and subscribe or pub/sub) platform.

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Confluent Kafka helm chart - broker pods not being able to communicate to Zookeper overtime

We are running confluent helm chart on a lot of clusters, we occasionally get brokers pods failing after some time and no self-heal after is following, the error in the broker usually is the following:...
anVzdGFub3RoZXJodW1hbg's user avatar
2 votes
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How to add LinkedIn's Burrow to a Docker Compose?

It appears LinkedIn doesn't have an official Burrow docker image on Docker Hub, but there are others who have forked it. However, I can't find any examples of how to add any of them to a docker ...
Marcel Lamothe's user avatar
2 votes
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Multiple Kafka brokers behind a single OpenShift service?

Is it possible to have several brokers behind a single TCP/IP port? I.e., offer a single endpoint for Kafka clients, and having a scalable amount of brokers behind that? In my company, some people ...
AnoE's user avatar
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EKS - Get availability zone of pod deployment from pod

In my EKS cluster, I have a few node groups that cover availability zone A and B. The pods running on the nodes are consumers/producers on various Kafka topics (MSK). There isn't any internal ...
hi im Bacon's user avatar
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Kafka from client to server vs. "router" in the DC

I want to use Kafka as a message broker on the server side of a distributed application. We have clients that can be located around the world, and that send frequent messages to the server. Right ...
Ken - Enough about Monica's user avatar
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Proper way to horizontally scale Kafka 3 KRaft cluster

I am working with a Kafka 3.6.1 cluster (KRaft mode enabled) and would like some guidance on scaling Kafka brokers and controllers. Below are the details of my setup and the steps I followed, along ...
Joom187's user avatar
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Confluent Kafka on K8s - offset is stuck, lag increases, what can be done?

We are using Confluent Kafka cluster on production K8s. It looks like our consumers are stuck in a loop as offset is static and lag keeps going up. When I restart zookeper/brokers (persistent volume) ...
anVzdGFub3RoZXJodW1hbg's user avatar
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AWS MSK: deploying all Kafka brokers in the same availability zone

When using AWS MSK, is it possible to deploy Kafka brokers in the same AWS availability zone? From what I read, AWS enforces deployments across availability zones. If you use three brokers, it will ...
Philipp Claßen's user avatar