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Questions tagged [release]

A release or releasing is the act of making features or bug fixes available for consumption. A release is not necessarily the same as a deployment, with the latter being the promotion of code into an environment, feature flags or toggles may be used to hide new functionality from consumers.

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Best artifactory type for Azure release pipeline

We've just started to use Azure DevOps platform and having some doubts regarding artifactory type for release pipeline. Here's the situation: we get complete delivery in zip file from Dev team which ...
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Should my secrets be part of my release or not? Trying to understand "V. Build, release, run" from the twelve-factor app

Ok, to start off, I am web developper that happens to have to do devOps, so I am currently reading on the subject to get better at this stuff. I was reading the V. Build, release, run, and the release ...
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