How to automate installation of Windows installer on Appveyor CI?
The installation of Windows application can be automated using AutoHotkey (AHK), similar as Winetricks does this for all common apps which support.
Here is example of AHK script which aims to install ...
Installing Ansible Controllers to build agents which best practice to use?
Infrastructure as code means that the infrastructure configuration is stored in a version control system (VCS). If changes will be applied, it is traceable who changed the code and when.
Although it ...
Best practices on how to erase everything in destination deployment folder and restart the app after deployment using Appveyor
So it actually only took one line of code:
1) First take the SSH public key from the settings page inside the appveyor project and make sure you put it into the authorized_keys inside ...
Is Azure WebDeploy safe for production Web Apps?
WebDeploy by itself cannot guarantee if your application pool will not be recycled during deployment. To be on the safe side, I would use deployment slots.
Also I would recommend to tag question with ...
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