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5 votes

Best way to launch 100 identical Docker machines on AWS?

Look at AWS Fargate - it lets you run your Docker containers without having to spin up the EC2 instances for an ECS cluster. You simply schedule the Tasks (or Services), each gets is own IP address ...
MLu's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I use a local file for a nested Cloudformation stack?

I'm afraid you can't. The nested stack files must be in S3 as far as I know. You have a couple of options: Have some automation in place (e.g. aws-cli + shell script, or better ansible) that when ...
MLu's user avatar
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3 votes

How to set 'image tag mutability' using CloudFormation?

The ImageTagMutability property in ECR is not currently supported in CloudFormation, as verified by experimentation (nor is it part of the LifecyclePolicy property). There is sometimes lag between ...
Dan1701's user avatar
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3 votes

How to get started with CloudFormation?

Linux Academy has many great courses on CloudFormation as well as other AWS and DevOps tools and services. They also have many guided labs where you will be given hands on guided learning of how to ...
Preston Martin's user avatar
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2 votes

Best way to launch 100 identical Docker machines on AWS?

Why don't you use Terraform for the purpose? It can launch as many instances you want, create network for you, create security groups, ECS, IAMs or whatever you want to create and terminate easily ...
deosha's user avatar
  • 253
2 votes

Always execute post statement in a jenkins pipeline when a conditional statement is met

According to the documentation, the when directive is only allowed inside a stage. You have to use the script directive if you want to use conditional statements: post { always { script { ...
Hedi Nasr's user avatar
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2 votes

Practical reasons for 200 limit of AWS resources in CF templates

The 200 limit can be raised, however this is a grinding process that can take months. You work through customer support to get "elevated" as a client to more AWS privileges. Resources: - Worked under ...
Alan-Cugler's user avatar
2 votes

Are there dialects of YAML or just differences in parsing it?

There is only one YAML spec. That would lead me to say "There are no YAML dialects". There are certainly differences in implementation, perhaps due to what the article claims as the spec's ambiguity: ...
Bruce Becker's user avatar
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2 votes

API Gateway - How Deploy API works?

1.) Create API (create-rest-api from the cli) simply creates the API Gateway resource, but it does not create the method, stage, authorizer, etc. for your API Gateway. Deploy API (create-deployment ...
Preston Martin's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I get the first part of the API Deployment URL from inside cloud formation template?

Did you try the variable ServerlessRestApi? It works for us like this: Outputs: EncryptURL: Description: "Encrypt endpoint URL for Stage environment" Value: !Sub "https://${...
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
2 votes

Cloudformation issue with target groups and ASG

Resources: ...
vissree's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote

Cloudformation YAML not well-formed

The split function returns a list of strings. I believe encapsulating the function in a list is what is giving you the error. Have you tried removing the brackets around the split function? Something ...
Preston Martin's user avatar
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1 vote

Cloudformation template with EC2 using docker compose

So I found some answers over time, posting them here in case it helps anyone. The Userdata never ran, I can't find see any of the above echo statements in the logs /var/log/cloud-init.log. When I SSH ...
kvnam's user avatar
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How to avoid disclosing account ID in AWS ARN

Your concern about obscuring your account ID is as valid as guarding your personal email address: if someone is trying to hack you, they could use your account id or email address to profile you or ...
Taterhead's user avatar
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CDK: How to solve chicken and egg problem of Lambda backed with ECR

You can use DockerImageAsset to initialize ECR with a base image like scratch or alpine, or even the most basic lambda container that would get your lambda function to execute.
Magus's user avatar
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How to add a wait condition when creating IAM entities

It turns out I was doing it wrong due to me being new to CloudFormation. For anyone else looking into how to attach both managed and inline policies to a user at the moment of user creation, this is ...
solr's user avatar
  • 121
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Does it make sense to create CloudFormation Stack using Terraform?

Initially, I though no it does not make sense to use Terraform to create the infra structure to run Cloud Formation script to do create resources you can do using Terraform. If you are experience in ...
Alastair Montgomery's user avatar
1 vote

Issue with cloudformation in target groups and ASG

As the error message states, TargetGroupARNs value should be of type List.
Simbiot's user avatar
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1 vote

`UnauthorizedResourceAccessException` when calling `aws workdocs create-user`

While the WorkDocs API describes create-user as creating a user in the Directory Service (and does), it also activates the user as a WorkDocs user. As a result, it can only be called when the ...
claytond's user avatar
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1 vote

Get available CIDRs from existing VPC

Don't worry about putting each stack in its own set of subnets, that's an overkill. Simply make the resources' Security Groups refer to other SGs in your stack templates and not to subnet CIDRs. ...
MLu's user avatar
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How to fail stack when EC2 spot is refused?

You should use TimeoutDurationMinutes in your code while requesting for spot instances via cloudformation. For more details:
Samit's user avatar
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Ansible cloudformation vs cloudformation

You wouldn't need to use Ansible for AWS cloudformation if you are fine with just using AWS cloudformation. Ansible integrated AWS cloudformation so that you can convert your local Ansible files into ...
Aliminator's user avatar
1 vote

AWS Cloudformation: Callback only for CREATE_COMPLETE or CREATE_FAILED of entire stack

I believe, alternatively, you could use CloudTrail+CloudWatch rules, but then you will get CREATE_STACK events for all stacks Here is some information about that:
Nune Isabekyan's user avatar
1 vote

Where to state CFT dependencies

This is a matter of implementation details and it's actually coming from the AWS Lambda product's implementation (which the doc you linked refers to), not from the Cloud Formation itself. Presently ...
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar

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