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15 votes

What practices or tools enable Continuous Deployment of Databases?

Pramod Sadalage and Scott Ambler wrote a book Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design that is an incredibly solid primer to the subject of DBs in a CD org/team.
paul_h's user avatar
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What practices or tools enable Continuous Deployment of Databases?

The Challenges I am aware that there are practices such as only adding database objects, i.e. tables and columns, never modifying or removing them At one company I worked for, a rolling window of ...
James Shewey's user avatar
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9 votes

How to synchronize deployments (especially of database object changes) on multiple environments

I would integrate the schema management into the application itself (or along with it). Any change to the schema should be committed along the application code (and hence tagged also). There's ...
Tensibai's user avatar
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8 votes

What practices or tools enable Continuous Deployment of Databases?

I'd argue a tool alone won't really help unless you shift the schema responsibility to the application team. We do use liquibase or flyway at work, where the application team is responsible to create ...
Tensibai's user avatar
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7 votes

What practices or tools enable Continuous Deployment of Databases?

We use Flyway at work for managing Postgres schemas in the app, and Pillar for managing Cassandra schemas. We have found it best if the app manages its own schema. We had a horrible experience ...
trashcan's user avatar
4 votes

How to synchronize deployments (especially of database object changes) on multiple environments

In our company we manage our application code within a VCS (Git) and most of the applications we work with install their core database from within the setup scripts that ship with the application. If ...
7ochem's user avatar
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What practices or tools enable Continuous Deployment of Databases?

To answer this question in the context of a mainframe environment, and specific to DB2® databases, there are typically 2 commonly used (not cheap ...) alternatives to pick from: Object Administration ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
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4 votes

What practices or tools enable Continuous Deployment of Databases?

We use liquibase at our work and I'll speak highly for it. It's also used by our QA tool QASymphony. We're utilizing it against MSSQL and Oracle databases internally and QASymphony uses/has used it ...
whoisearth's user avatar

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