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10 votes

Can I rename an RDS instance?

Yes, you can rename an RDS instance... at your own peril. When you rename a DB instance, the [DNS] endpoint [hostname] for the DB instance changes, because the URL includes the name you assigned to ...
Michael - sqlbot's user avatar
4 votes

DynamoDB vs RDS for a counter store?

Why not something like Redis? (can use it through ElastiCache). Hard to answer this without knowing the operational requirements of this project. Is this data strictly for logging/research, or is it ...
Assaf Lavie's user avatar
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How do I use only an encrypted version of my AWS RDS password in my terraform code?

If I am understanding your question correctly, what you are describing sounds like a perfect use case for SSM. You can store your RDS password as a secure string parameter encrypted by KMS, then ...
Preston Martin's user avatar
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List encrypted RDS snapshots using CLI

Either use the --query attribute aws rds describe-db-snapshots --query "DBSnapshots[?Encrypted].DBSnapshotIdentifier" If the [?Encrypted] does not work, try [?Encrypted == 'true'] as the first is ...
Jiri Klouda's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I rename an RDS instance?

Yes you can change the name of the RDS instance, but it is highly discouraged to do so in LIVE Production environment. It would change the EndPoint which might impact other resources actively ...
Ameen Ibrahim Raffic - 'AIR''s user avatar
2 votes

DynamoDB vs RDS for a counter store?

For question #1) I think this could perhaps be better answered on SoftwareEngineering SE. Nonetheless, I'll risk an answer: for this kind of information (states) coming from that kind of ...
Alexandre's user avatar
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2 votes

Cross Region Copy of Aurora Snapshots

Your proposed snapshot-id is not syntactically valid. When you tried hard-coding the value, you used a valid identifier. Underscores are not allowed, and the identifier can't begin with a number. ...
Michael - sqlbot's user avatar
2 votes

Keeping AWS RDS Instances up to date

Your assumption is correct: you will not need to perform patching on an RDS instance, AWS handles that for you. There is a caveat, though: the majority of updates are not forced by AWS, but require an ...
Woodland's user avatar
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2 votes

How to handle AWS Offsite or cross-account RDS (mysql) backups?

On top of protecting your root account as best as you can, you should be able to reduce the risk of such resource deletion if you have more than 1 resource to protect. For example if all AWS ...
jdog's user avatar
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2 votes

RDS IOPS utilizing fully

First try to review current caching parameter values. Then check list in AuroraMySQL.Reference.ParameterGroups And try to tune/increase caching parameters like query_cache_size Alternative solution ...
Arunas Bart's user avatar
2 votes

aws_availability_zones returns an availability zone ap-southeast-2c that is not available

Do you have a subnet in ap-southwest-2c? In order to build the the Subnet group for RDS you have to have subnets in all AZs. If you don't have, Terraform throws this error received from API.
Pawel Piwosz's user avatar
2 votes

Ansible: Test if multiple RDS instances are all stopped

If I understood you correctly, you need free strategy. It will run all tasks ASAP, not waiting for anything. Bear in mind, that logs ...
Mr Smith's user avatar
1 vote

Connect to RDS Private Instance from Docker Container

As per the error, it looks like the resolution is not happening for host'. I mean the hostname is not getting resolved to the IP address from ...
Samit's user avatar
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Is there a way to acquire metadata about an Amazon RDS database instance using only SQL?

I don't have a SQL Server on AWS to check, but you could see if it's in xp_msver, or figure it out from ProcessorCount, ProcessorType and PhysicalMemory in that sproc.
Gaius's user avatar
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What are the real world benefits of RDS instance (at rest) encryption?

This is a defense in depth tactic. There are other defense mechanisms in place at AWS to prevent data leakage such as disk destruction on disposal or limiting access to data centers to approved ...
kenlukas's user avatar
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AWS: Restoring database snapshot to different environment

Restoring a snapshot simply creates a new RDS instance. So if you restore the prod DB snapshot to staging then you will be creating a new RDS instance with the restored data in it. If both of the RDS ...
Kunal's user avatar
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Is it possible to deploy RDS in multiple region in AWS with read and write replica

You can look at Aurora Global Database for this. Based on this news announcement, you can also configure the setup, so you can write to your local db cluster and this is forwarded to your primary ...
jdog's user avatar
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Trade offs of putting an international master database in us-west-2

It's been a while since posting the question, and a comment I made above seems to be helpful despite the fact it's using a quantitative assessment, so I'll post it here as an answer. As per comment ...
Chris's user avatar
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Python Dictionary

You're not showing how the response example you shown relates to response1 (there is no 'TagList' in your example). It looks like response1['TagList'] is an empty list. Otherwise you're on the right ...
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar
1 vote

Does a DB connection prevent AWS Aurora Serverless from pausing its compute capacity?

I believe you are correct, a single long-running connection will prevent AWS Aurora Serverless from triggering the pause-and-resume feature. Aurora Serverless v1 can also scale to zero capacity when ...
Woodland's user avatar
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Secure RDS (private endpoint) and allow connecting from local machine for specific predefined users

I am not sure it will be helped. I have similar design in my office. I have some Kubernetes Cluster. all node and master running on local ip from a PVC. And my rds too, only have local ip run on same ...
Estu Fardani's user avatar
1 vote

Question about the new AWS RDS CA

As far as I read, client using that db instance has to update certificate if the client has added the db in it's truststore. When you schedule this operation, make sure that you have updated your ...
nsm10's user avatar
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Question about the new AWS RDS CA

I am not completely sure that Ubuntu 18.04 will have this CA in their certificates packages because they announced this CA replacement recently. If you are using the SSL/TLS to connect to your DB ...
Samit's user avatar
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AWS RDS- Determine what Database Tables aren't interacted with?

I don't think any database services "internal traffic" is available to AWS services directly. That being said, you should be able to dump all sql queries to a log file on S3 and also extract all ...
jdog's user avatar
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How to share RDS snapshots across account roles?

To my knowledge there are only Tag based Iam policies available to limit access to resources for certain users or user groups. Because of this, you should simply be able to tag an RDS snapshot both ...
jdog's user avatar
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Ansible: Test if multiple RDS instances are all stopped

I found the solution to my problem: In the main.yml task : - include: wait_rds_are_stopped.yml when: chosen_action == "stop" loop: "{{ vars[ 'list_rds_resources_ids1_' + environment ] + vars[ '...
jmary's user avatar
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1 vote

List encrypted RDS snapshots using CLI

You will require a script that interacts with the AWS cli to accomplish your goal. To list encrypted drives I use the following query when describing the DB snapshots --query 'DBSnapshots[*].[...
Kyle Steenkamp's user avatar
1 vote

DynamoDB vs RDS for a counter store?

The cost will depend on the number of messages you write per second. Most often DDB is cheaper. If you have a large throughput, 10k requests per second, then your DDB costs will need to be carefully ...
user1659030's user avatar

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