In a comment on the site someone has asked me,

Can you give more info on what kind of permissions [on OpenStack] are we talking about?

I want to answer that question, but I don't know how. Given credentials to Horizon (OpenStack Dashboard) is there a method to tell what my user can and can't do? When I go to the project/api_access/ I can see only the endpoints I have access to, but not the level of access on each end-point?

2 Answers 2


Openstack permissions are not super fun to play around. There are a default set that limits what member/user can do.

Cloud operators are free to customize roles for each Openstack component. Only the operator can tell you if there are custom roles.


IIRC tenants usually don't have privileges to see actual policy definitions, but depending on your configuration you should be able to see some info with openstack quota

Reference doc

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