I'm trying to run a ansible task but I keep getting an error.

This is the play I want to run:

- name: use of handlers
  hosts: all
    - name: install packages
        name: httpd
        state: latest
        notify: restart package
    - name: restart package
        name: httpd
        state: restarted

But this is the error that ansible gives me:

fatal: [serverb.local]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Unsupported parameters for (ansible.legacy.dnf) module: notify. Supported parameters include: allowerasing, allow_downgrade, name (pkg), enablerepo, disable_excludes, conf_file, list, disable_plugin, installroot, enable_plugin, disable_gpg_check, download_dir, update_cache (expire-cache), releasever, state, nobest, bugfix, install_weak_deps, update_only, autoremove, exclude, download_only, cacheonly, security, lock_timeout, skip_broken, disablerepo, validate_certs, install_repoquery."}

1 Answer 1


The indentation is wrong. Correct syntax is

     - name: install packages
         name: httpd
         state: latest
       notify: restart package

The error says it:

"Unsupported parameters for (ansible.legacy.dnf) module: notify.

notify is not a parameter of the module dnf or yum. It is a playbook keyword that can be applied to a block or a task. In the above case, it must be indented as a task keyword. See Notifying handlers.

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