I have the below code in the jenkisn pipeline:

   stage ("amd_distribution_input_transformation"){
                    amd_distribution_input_transformation url: params.DOMAIN_DESCRIPTOR_URL, secret: params.CERDENITAL_ID

groovy code:

def call(Map parameters)
    def CREDENITAL_ID = parameters.secret
    def DOMAIN_DESCRIPTOR_URL = parameters.url
    sh '''
        python amd_distribution_input_transformation.py

in the amd_distribution_input_transformation.py some code is running, and at the end, it returns JSON object named 'artifacts_list'

my question is, how can I access this object in my next stage in the pipeline:

stage ("create bundle"){
                    amd_distribution_create_bundle credential_id: artifacts_list

1 Answer 1


You can send the output of your python script to stdout and capture it in a environment variable and that variable can be passed to other stages in the pipeline. Also, the environment variables can be used inside the scripts.

You can do something like this:

def call(Map parameters)
    def CREDENITAL_ID = parameters.secret
    def DOMAIN_DESCRIPTOR_URL = parameters.url
    env.artifacts = sh(script: "python amd_distribution_input_transformation.py", returnStdout: true )


Here, the output of the script amd_distribution_input_transformation.py will be stored in the variable artifacts and will be available further.

  • how can I use/access env.artifacts in the pipeline?
    – arielma
    Commented Nov 18, 2019 at 20:51
  • artifacts is just a variable. Say the python script has returned you a string separated with commas, you can put it in pipeline stage as amd_distribution_create_bundle credential_id: artifacts.split() to pass a list to your script.
    – Samit
    Commented Nov 18, 2019 at 21:44
  • Tnx, I will try and update. BTW, is there a second option, to save the python output to Linux file and then define pipeline variable which gets its value?
    – arielma
    Commented Nov 19, 2019 at 22:35

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