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In kubernetes, I want to restrict my pod scheduling on worker node if memory utilisation of worker node goes above 50% of its capacity?

For eg: worker node(W) have 64GB of memory and 16vCPUs resources assigned to a pod : cpu - 4 , memory- 8GB Now only 4 pods can be scheduled on worker node(W). How can i achieve this ? Node affinity , ...
Swetank Rawat's user avatar
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ingress failing due to error: path /?(.*) cannot be used with pathType Prefix

I'm trying to deploy this ingress service on AWS EKS. it works locally, but not when deployed to EKS. apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: ingress-service annotations: ...
SlowBlurry's user avatar
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EKS DR Strategy - How to control container activation in warm standby region

I have an EKS cluster with a warm standby in another AWS region for disaster recovery. Some of my containerized applications process data and forward it to other systems - I need to ensure these ...
allyman17's user avatar
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why all my aws-node Pods in CrashLoopBackOff State in Kubernetes Cluster

I'm currently facing an issue with my Kubernetes cluster where all the aws-node pods in the kube-system namespace are in a CrashLoopBackOff state. Here are the details of my setup: Kubernetes Version: ...
Sudhanshu Sinha's user avatar
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Building Infra on AWS using terraform for a multiaccount project

Building Infra on AWS using Terraform for a multiaccount project, where I need to build some eks, vpcs, rds, elastic cache and cross functional roles , I am roles and all other required components. ...
G Vivek's user avatar
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3 answers

I created an Amazon EKS Kubernetes cluster using Terraform, but now I do not have access to any of the resources, and kubectl fails due to credentials

This question seeks a solution for the following errors If you create an EKS cluster using terraform, and then use the same credentials you used to create the cluster, but see these errors, then what ...
Seth E's user avatar
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Can't create EKS Node group with Terraform

I created an EKS cluster first, then create node group with Terraform. data "aws_region" "current" {} data "aws_iam_policy_document" "eks_worker_node_assume_role&...
Alpin Cleopatra's user avatar
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EKS- pod stuck in containerCreating state when attached to 2 claims with RWX accessmode and efs storage class

I have pod deployed in EKS which has 2 PVCs attached, below is yaml snipped for the same - name: dev1-rwx-volume persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: dev1-rwx-volume-pvc - name: dev2-rwx-...
saurabh umathe's user avatar
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Sealed Secrets got "error: cannot fetch certificate" in Amazon EKS cluster

I am using Amazon EKS. I can list my services by kubectl get services -n production-sealed-secrets NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE sealed-secrets ...
Hongbo Miao's user avatar
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How to setup EKS ADOT for sending OpenTelemetry metrics to self managed prometheus?

I have tried to configure ADOT collector using below yaml file apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: adot-collector namespace: monitoring spec: replicas: 1 selector: ...
Vivek Parmar's user avatar
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AWS application load balancer not registering targets for EKS node target group

I have an EKS cluster with public/private access on a VPC with public and private subnets. I've setup my ALB in the public subnets on port 80, internet-facing and ip and installed the AWS controller ...
Alex Radwan's user avatar
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`apiVersion` is set to `v1beta1`. Still getting 'no kind "ExecCredential" is registered for version ""'

Despite having explicitly set apiVersion:, why the following error when running any kubectl command (f.e. kubectl version)? Unable to connect to the server: ...
VanillaDonuts's user avatar
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EKS cluster upgrade from 1.23 to 1.24 ServiceUnavailableException: Updates in the cell are disabled

I've tried upgrading my EKS cluster to 1.24 and I keep getting this error: ServiceUnavailableException: Updates in the cell are disabled I get this using the AWS console webpage here https://us-east-1....
Shanteva's user avatar
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What happens when you are running a "too old" version of k8s in eks?

I'm desperately trying to resolve all of our dockershim uses so we can migrate to EKS 1.24+, but I'm not optimistic I'll get it done before the "deadline". I'm stuck on EKS 1.23 until I can ...
Shanteva's user avatar
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EKS - Get availability zone of pod deployment from pod

In my EKS cluster, I have a few node groups that cover availability zone A and B. The pods running on the nodes are consumers/producers on various Kafka topics (MSK). There isn't any internal ...
hi im Bacon's user avatar
2 votes
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Does the AWS Admin user have the eks:AccessKubernetesApi permission?

I am logged in to AWS as the AWS Admin, with Administrator access. How do I find out if this user has the eks:AccessKubernetesApi IAM permission?
Snowcrash's user avatar
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How to fix wrong /etc/resolv.conf in kubernetes pods after creating a cluster with EKS eksctl with vpc-cni plugin?

So, i've created a kubernetes cluster in EKS with eksctl, ClusterConfig: apiVersion: kind: ClusterConfig metadata: name: exchange-develop region: us-east-1 version: '1.19' ...
paltaa's user avatar
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How many nodes can I have in single EKS cluster?

I have an EKS cluster and today my subnet had 0 Available IPv4 addresses. Does that mean that there are limits per nodes within 1 cluster in EKS?
Saiqul Haq's user avatar
2 votes
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Should we deploy Storage Class Per Application OR one Storage Class for All applications?

I am using aws-ebs-csi-driver on k8s for persistent volumes. I came across a scenario where I can create ebs storage class once and then use it across all the statefulsets deployments to create ...
SRJ's user avatar
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Installing NVIDIA driver on EKS nodes

I have a EKS cluster that has two node pools. One CPU general compute, the other one has GPU support (g4dn). I want to install NVIDIA driver on to the GPU node group. The best I can do right now is to ...
casualprogrammer's user avatar
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EKS NodeAffinity for Services Links like above usually show node affinity for "kind: Pod". Isn't it possible to use node affinity for "kind: Service&...
Biju's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Is AWS Fargate suitable for web applications?

I'm making a web-app, I've tried both ECS and EKS at AWS. It's been very comfortable to use Fargate instances instead of EC2. But I'm not sure I understand how to use them since when I count at it, it'...
Felix Eklöf's user avatar
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How to Integrate Amazon API Gateway with EKS using Application Load Balancer (ALB)?

According to the AWS documentation, it is possible to integrate Amazon API Gateway with EKS using ALB. However, by far most of this documentation explains how to do this with NLB instead of ALB. So ...
Daan's user avatar
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What does "eksctl create iamserviceaccount" do under the hood on an EKS cluster?

AWS supports IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA) that allows cluster operators to map AWS IAM Roles to Kubernetes Service Accounts. To do so, one has to create an iamserviceaccount in an EKS cluster:...
HsnVahedi's user avatar
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Is it possible to have an aws EKS infrastructure as code?

Is it possible to declare "a complete production level EKS with other aws services" using terraform? I know that terraform has an eks module and an aws provider. But I'm not sure if one can ...
HsnVahedi's user avatar
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In k8s, do the controller nodes have to be in same VPC as the worker nodes for a cluster?

I'm new to k8s and trying to grasp the infrastructure concepts, and trying to apply them in AWS. I know a k8s cluster has a control plane, which has the management nodes, and a data plane, which has ...
Chris F's user avatar
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2 answers

Spread pods over cluster

Current using AWS's auto-scale policy to start EKS worker nodes (min+desired 10, max 15) on a fixed time every day. There are 120 pods and 30 deployments. Obviously, only one node will be up firstly. ...
again's user avatar
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EKS - created cluster from console with federated IAM admin - how to access

I have no programmatic access for the user who created the cluster only graphical. I tried a lot of things and I always get access denied on kubectl as I have to use another IAM identity that has ...
anVzdGFub3RoZXJodW1hbg's user avatar