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7 votes

How to know which user created the GCE Instance

Note: I'm not a GCE user yet, the answer is based solely on documentation. You could be Viewing Audit Logs in the Google Cloud Console, more specifically the Admin Activity logs: Admin Activity ...
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar
3 votes

How to Remove a Kubernetes (GKE) Cluster node-pool without down-time

If you cordon and drain the nodepool before deleting it, then you can avoid downtime. I use the following script (shamelessly taken from the lazyweb elsewhere and adapted to my needs): oldpool=pool-1 ...
MTvB's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes

GCP - Can't create a tpu on europe-west1

According to "TPU types and zones" TPUs are only available in a very limited set of regions, namely: Europe, Middle East and Africa europe-west4-a (Eemshaven, Netherlands) Americas us-central1-a, ...
Richard Slater's user avatar
2 votes

How to know which user created the GCE Instance

Not sure if you sorted this out, but I had to do something similar to get who started the instance so I can badger them into stopping the instance if they are not using it. I put together a Logging ...
nomadic_squirrel's user avatar
2 votes

Can we use Ansible for monitoring configuration?

The simple answer is "yes" you can use Ansible for monitoring configuration, but you will have to do some extra work. As Vasily stated in their answer, Ansible does not have a built in ...
Bruce Becker's user avatar
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1 vote

Setting boot disk size for goole compute engine

You can ignore the second warning for Ubuntu (and Debian) because automatic resizing of the boot disk is built-in to the Google tools installed with Debian/Ubuntu operating systems. I wrote an article ...
John Hanley's user avatar
1 vote

Use Terraform to manage ssh-keys in GCE

There was used wrong type for variable, should be: variable "ssh_keys" { type = "map" default = { "atolkachev" = "ssh-rsa my_key atolkachev" } }
Alexander Tolkachev's user avatar
1 vote

GKE - GPU nvidia - cuda drivers dont work

Ok so i finally made it work. It is mandatory set a ressource limit to access the nvidia driver, which is weird considering either way my pod was on the right node with the nvidia drivers installed..
lifeguru42's user avatar
1 vote

How do I autostart Jenkins agent machines?

We use AWS's EC2 Plugin to spin up spot instances in AWS for our Jenkins master based on a single AMI, exactly as you describe, so Jenkins does support this behavior. From a quick bit of searching ...
Alex's user avatar
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1 vote

Service account permissions error when provisioning instance group from template

In the google_compute_instance_template resource, the email property of the service_account block should not start with "serviceAccount:". Change from: service_account { email = "...
Staffan Hörke's user avatar
1 vote

Service account permissions error when provisioning instance group from template

Try adding permissions on your project level: gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <your-project-id> --member=serviceAccount:[email protected] --role='...
manasouza's user avatar
  • 237
1 vote

How to create a preemptable docker container?

I'm not aware of any straightforward way to do that, without also running a different container to act as a middleware of sorts. You might want to look at one of the "Serverless" platforms. If your ...
Zeb's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

Why am I unable to push docker image in gce (

I faced this same problem when I was trying to automate GCP kubernetes deployment using Jenkins by putting image in GCR and I created one service account giving admin permission in gcp IAM. I ...
ShreePool's user avatar
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1 vote

Why am I unable to push docker image in gce (

From the Before you begin section of the instructions you referenced: Make sure that you: Have access to the registries which you will be pushing to and pulling from This is specified ...
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar
1 vote

Autoscaling with Kubernetes daemonset

I think you can do this by Nodeselector. Firstly add a label for node selector in your daemonset config. Then label your nodes with the attached label. Now if you can set the autoscaling thresholds, ...
CR7's user avatar
  • 11
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kubernetes cluster node with 4cpu can't hold two pods with 2cpu

It seems like you found your answer but let me add a little color since we went through the same thing. Your yaml for the pods can have both a request and limit for both CPU and memory. Since you ...
Jeff Garrett's user avatar
1 vote

How to Remove a Kubernetes (GKE) Cluster node-pool without down-time

1). Inside the node pool(lets call it old_node_pool ) that you want to delete, First Cordon all the nodes one after the other. kubectl cordon <name_of_node_1> kubectl cordon <...
Suhas Chikkanna's user avatar

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