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3 votes

How to exclude a certain linenumber of an Ansible playbook when testing it using Molecule?

According to the yamllint documentation you need to add a special comment to the line -- <string-to-be-excluded> # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length --- #defaults/main firefox_checksum: ...
Bruce Becker's user avatar
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3 votes

How to share variables across instances?

Q: "Is it possible to share variables across instances?" A: Yes. The dictionary hostvars keeps the variables. hostvars lets you access variables for another host, including facts that have ...
Vladimir Botka's user avatar
1 vote

How to test an ansible playbook using molecule inside docker locally?

Your molecule run is failing in a very early stage, when it first tries to delete a possibly existing container before starting everything over. Since you have a default configuration and your make a ...
Zeitounator's user avatar

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