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2 votes

What is the need of plugins in Jenkins (Sonarqube)

Any CI/CD plugin can ultimately be scripted. However, using plugins gives you better centralized control. Consider the following scenario: Your SonarQube server location has to move to a new ...
Wesley Rolnick's user avatar
2 votes

Problem with Connecting Jenkins to SonarQube

Create and add token to be able to connect to SonarQube. You have create project in SonarQube and use it as a parameter: sh """ ${scannerHome}/bin/sonar-scanner \ -Dsonar.projectKey=...
agabrys's user avatar
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2 votes

How to change Xmx settings for sonar runner?

You can simply put a file under /opt/docker-sonar/conf/. This file will be available inside the container under /opt/sonarqube/conf/, because the folder gets mounted as volume. A full ...
jayeshkh007's user avatar
1 vote

integrate sonarqube with kubernetes

Assuming you created your sonarqube Service in the defaultnamespace, and using SonarQube default ports, your portal URL would be http://sonarqube.default.svc:9000.
SYN's user avatar
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Sonarqube taking massive amounts of memory

Please refer to the following article on the SonarQube - SonarScanner setup best practices. It will be good if the following hardware recommendations are considered for the SonarQube installations. ...
Gokul Alex's user avatar
1 vote

JAVA_HOME error in Sonar Scanner for MSBuild

I have added "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-12.0.2" as value of JAVA_HOME environment Variable and its working. I don't know exactly this is the correct solution OR Not, but when I have checked sonar-...
ankit thakkar's user avatar
1 vote

Clear Sonarqube Current Analysis

If you mean removing a "snapshot" of an analysis according to the most recent SonarQube documentation you should be able to this. Also if you have access to the database SonarQube is using then you ...
Wesley Rolnick's user avatar
1 vote

How to access report data from aka SonarQube API, or functionality no more available?

Ok no so obvious but at least one possible way is: Note the component ID in the TravisCI report Use the ID and this documentation to get data:
Ta Mu's user avatar
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