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37 votes

How do you calculate the compound Service Level Agreement (SLA) for cloud services?

After reading Tensibai's excellent answer, I realised I used to be able to calculate this for network analysis purposes. I dug out my copy of High Availability Network Fundamentals by Chris Oggerino ...
Richard Slater's user avatar
24 votes

How do you calculate the compound Service Level Agreement (SLA) for cloud services?

I'd take that as a math problem with the SLA being the probability of being OK. In this case we can rely on probability rules to get an overall. For your first case the probability that App Service (...
Tensibai's user avatar
  • 11.4k
3 votes

availability calculation of a azure service fabric stateful application

Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSSs) don't have a SLA of their own: Virtual Machine Scale Sets is a free service, therefore, it does not have a financially backed SLA itself. However, if the Virtual ...
Richard Slater's user avatar
1 vote

Docker image delivery lead time SLA

Service Level Agreement
030's user avatar
  • 13.3k

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