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6 votes

Cannot configure node group in new EKS cluster due to no Node IAM role found

This is actually pretty well described in the docs. Before you create worker nodes, you must create an IAM role with the following IAM policies: AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy ...
Recoba20's user avatar
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kubernetes: how to set "top node" and "top pod" permissions?

Thanks to arghya-sadhu's comments on stackoverflow, I've got it working: apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: get-pod-and-node labels: rbac.authorization....
Ludo's user avatar
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How to mange data access in a CICD pipeline for multiple users with different permissions

Most CI/CD tooling will support permissions of some sort. For example: All of AWS CI/CD tooling supports limiting permissions via IAM. IAM also ties into AD which would give you that SSO (single ...
Wesley Rolnick's user avatar
2 votes

How to mange data access in a CICD pipeline for multiple users with different permissions

My general experience is that CI/CD tools don't support impersonation or claims based authentication well or at-all. In addition you probably want the CI/CD tool to have more access than your users, ...
Richard Slater's user avatar
2 votes

RBAC to secure Azure Table Storage access

For now there is no support for accessing Azure Table Storage with Managed Identities. Supported services are described here: Services that support managed identities for Azure resources According ...
Paweł Tajs's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to set role in FreeIPA to use for applications as Jenkins, Github?

Based on your title, no. It's impossible to quantify if every application has this capability. Many do. Users/Groups in Jenkins OSS map back to LDAP but you control the permissions via Jenkins. As ...
casey vega's user avatar
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How to grant all resources in an AWS account the ability to assume role?

There are several ways to enable access, and your question touches on more than one. First method, is giving EC2 instances access to do API calls with the AWS API in another account. For this, the ...
Evgeny Zislis's user avatar
1 vote

How to share RDS snapshots across account roles?

To my knowledge there are only Tag based Iam policies available to limit access to resources for certain users or user groups. Because of this, you should simply be able to tag an RDS snapshot both ...
jdog's user avatar
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What is the most common server permission policy for web application deployment?

I usually stick to a 755 (or rwxr-xr-x) on my web root, but I do not think this is the issue you're running into since your directory is already set to that. nginx should have access to your ...
Subhash's user avatar
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What is the most common server permission policy for web application deployment?

According to the Nginx docs you can configure the user which runs Nginx. By default the user is nobody. You can read this Ask Ubuntu question that explains how to configure Apache2 to run as a ...
Argyle's user avatar
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Do not show all docker containers to a particular user

Hi and welcome to DevOps SE! To enable Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for Docker Engine, you need the UCP (Universal Control Pane) available through Docker EE.
Ta Mu's user avatar
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