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6 votes

Cannot configure node group in new EKS cluster due to no Node IAM role found

This is actually pretty well described in the docs. Before you create worker nodes, you must create an IAM role with the following IAM policies: AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy ...
Recoba20's user avatar
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6 votes

Is AWS Fargate suitable for web applications?

Fargate is absolutely suitable for web apps. We have many customers that use it that way (and many others that use it in a more "batchy" way). Fargate is a managed compute engine and AWS ...
mreferre's user avatar
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5 votes

Kubernetes serve static content with ingress

You can't configure your Ingress to serve static data (from your host files for example) alone because the Ingress resource is just a way to configure a way of understanding for Kubernetes on how to ...
Paul Rey's user avatar
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4 votes

Is AWS Fargate suitable for web applications?

But from what I've understood Fargate is more suitable for container that have a limited lifetime? That's not strictly correct, Fargate capabilities include tasks which are suitable for short-term ...
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
3 votes

Why use configuration management tools in the world of modern cloud?

Generally, things like Packer and Terraform handle most straight infra requirements best in the cloud. Of course, if you have kubernetes up already, it’s the same deal. A packer (or other AMI) image ...
John Humphreys's user avatar
3 votes

Why use configuration management tools in the world of modern cloud?

What value does Ansible have in a modern cloud environment? As the comments say, it depends on your needs. But I think there is value in considering this sort of thing, so I'm going to answer this ...
chicks's user avatar
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Is it possible to have an aws EKS infrastructure as code?

Is it possible to declare "a complete production level EKS with other aws services" using terraform? Yes, and that is what many larger organizations do. I have implemented Kubernetes with ...
Jonas's user avatar
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2 votes

Spread pods over cluster

You should look into affinity and anti-affinity as that allows you to control what pods go on which node. You can have it so that with anti-affinity there is only 1 pod of each deployment on a node. ...
joshk132's user avatar
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2 votes

Where to install Prometheus for Kubernetes monitoring

This is more of an opinion based question but let me try to answer it. installing Prometheus itself in the very same k8s cluster (as another running set of pods) is a normal thing.Am I right or just ...
rohatgisanat's user avatar
2 votes

Is AWS Fargate suitable for web applications?

Nope, Fargate can be used for long running containerized workloads. Web apps, proxies, or any other containers. Maybe you are thinking of Fargate Spot? Fargate Spot is definitely not suitable for long ...
Preston Martin's user avatar
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What does "eksctl create iamserviceaccount" do under the hood on an EKS cluster?

Yes It does more than just creating a service account. It does three things: It Creates an IAM role. It attaches the desired iam-policy (--attach-policy-arn <POLICY_ARN>) to the created IAM ...
HsnVahedi's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the idiomatic way to reload EKS/Kube configs when a new image is pushed to ECR

The 'best approach' in a theory (coming from the perspective of k8s) would be GitOps: Cloud-native Continuous Deployment. Your question lack some important information, how are you doing your ...
Recoba20's user avatar
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2 votes

NodeCreationFailure: Instances failed to join the kubernetes cluster

I incurred the same problem during one of my deployments. This happens due to the Networking issue of the EKS cluster. Assuming that you are working in AWS, follow the following steps to debug this ...
krishna dutt Panchagnula's user avatar
2 votes

What happens when you are running a "too old" version of k8s in eks?

Check out the eks versions faq at the bottom of this page: Q: What happens on the end of support date? A: On the end of support date, [...]. Existing control planes are automatically updated by ...
Chris's user avatar
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1 vote

I created an Amazon EKS Kubernetes cluster using Terraform, but now I do not have access to any of the resources, and kubectl fails due to credentials

What is the use case for creating an EKS cluster with enable_cluster_creator_admin_permissions = false? This is the default when creating a cluster and the recommended way to create it. If set to ...
Chris's user avatar
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1 vote

Run the latest image from ECR on EKS

ECR is just a registry - so it only stores images - it does not identify latest images, nor provides any additional information beyond tags and sha256 image digests. So it is up to you to identify the ...
taleodor's user avatar
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EKS - Get availability zone of pod deployment from pod

The EC2 metadata endpoint has been updated to handle this situation but your current configuration may be preventing it. Have a read here for more:
hi im Bacon's user avatar
1 vote

Does the AWS Admin user have the eks:AccessKubernetesApi permission?

There are a few ways to perform the action you're looking for. I'll demonstrate how to accomplish this task from the command line and the console. Using the SDK's (e.g. boto3) are an option too. ...
kenlukas's user avatar
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1 vote

How to fix wrong /etc/resolv.conf in kubernetes pods after creating a cluster with EKS eksctl with vpc-cni plugin?

Related issue: So, not specifying --dns-cluster-ip, --b64-cluster-ca and --apiserver-endpoint fixed the DNS issue. Final bootstrap command: /etc/...
paltaa's user avatar
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1 vote

Installing NVIDIA driver on EKS nodes

GPU Operator helps manage NVIDIA drivers in Kubernetes clusters, you can deploy it using Helm.
Josh Zhang's user avatar
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1 vote

EKS NodeAffinity for Services

i guess you mean a Deployment because service do not have any pods, and yes, you can use node affinity on a Deployment. you can find it here
danny kaplunski's user avatar
1 vote

How to Integrate Amazon API Gateway with EKS using Application Load Balancer (ALB)?

From the same page: The steps to integrate ALB and NLB with API Gateway are identical. Which is followed by a sentence with a link to a documentation for an ALB ingress, including prerequisites for ...
chupasaurus's user avatar
1 vote

AWS ECS vs EKS for hybrid cloud strategy

In terms of general positioning this may be a good starting point. Given in the title you mention "hybrid" deployments you may be interested in investigating and investigating ECS Anywhere ...
mreferre's user avatar
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1 vote

In k8s, do the controller nodes have to be in same VPC as the worker nodes for a cluster?

For Amazon EKS, the control plane is running in a separate VPC that is managed by Amazon. You only need to care about the VPC for the worker nodes. Amazon EKS control plane – Deployed and managed by ...
Jonas's user avatar
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Spread pods over cluster

Take a look at the Descheduler. This project runs as a Kubernetes Job that aims at killing pods when it thinks the cluster is unbalanced. The LowNodeUtilization strategy seems to fit your case: This ...
Eduardo Baitello's user avatar
1 vote

Secure RDS (private endpoint) and allow connecting from local machine for specific predefined users

I am not sure it will be helped. I have similar design in my office. I have some Kubernetes Cluster. all node and master running on local ip from a PVC. And my rds too, only have local ip run on same ...
Estu Fardani's user avatar
1 vote

EKS - created cluster from console with federated IAM admin - how to access

The only way to manage IAM users - using appropriate account with IAM Administrator privileges. See AWS Identity and Access Management If you lost your root account, you may contact an AWS support, ...
Yasen's user avatar
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