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org.jenkinsci.lib.envinject.EnvInjectException: remote file operation failed

The EnvInject plugin is basically attempting to load the build environment which uses configuration of JDK tools in Jenkins which fails during reinstallation of Java JDK library on the Windows slave (...
kenorb's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it possible to mount an s3 bucket as a point in a docker container?

Yes , you can ( and in swarm mode you should ) rexray example s3vol example in fact with volume plugins you may attach many things also for registry
Bash Stack's user avatar
3 votes

What's in THIS environment?

I've done this before, normally in the form of having a /.well-known/info endpoint available on every microservice that then returns a JSON payload with what's in it: { "service_name": &...
Richard Slater's user avatar
3 votes

Jenkins-Deployment failure, Build successful

It seems to be an issue with Tomcat URL you are using. Either you are using "HTTP" in deployment when server is expecting HTTPS or vice versa. Caused by:...
haroon's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to mount an s3 bucket as a point in a docker container?

No you can't. S3 is an object storage, accessed over HTTP or REST for example. Just as you can't mount an HTTP address as a directory you can't mount a S3 bucket as a directory. Having said that ...
MLu's user avatar
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What topics should at least be included in a Java for DevOps course?

Even with the rationale you edited in, I don't really see a point. DevOps is an intersection of Dev, Ops (and more, like Security and maybe Testing) in a cultural sense. But on a technological sense, ...
AnoE's user avatar
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Build / Deployment process for .Net/Mulesoft/Oracle stack

For something that requires being agnostic to the tooling, and having the flexibility you need, your best bet is Jenkins. They have a ton of plugins that would meet any use case....
Jeff Garrett's user avatar
2 votes

Mitigating Maven Central risks as seen from the DevSecOps perspective

What could be a feasible way to motivate Maven and repository makers to establish some kind of early time warning, like issue special headers on download, or and additionally for example reject ...
AnoE's user avatar
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How to change Xmx settings for sonar runner?

You can simply put a file under /opt/docker-sonar/conf/. This file will be available inside the container under /opt/sonarqube/conf/, because the folder gets mounted as volume. A full ...
jayeshkh007's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to run every testing.xml file with different jenkins job?

I got the answer on StackOverflow : You can pass the xml file name as parameter to the maven test command. First need to change the pom file as follows. <plugin> <groupId>org.apache....
NarendraR's user avatar
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2 votes

Maven dependencies that are downloaded not available in JFrog Artifactory server

In order Artifactory to cache your dependencies, you need to retrieve them from Artifactory. Once you use your virtual repository, which contains the Maven Central remote, Artifactory will download ...
JBaruch's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to mount an s3 bucket as a point in a docker container?

Actually, you can use Fuse (eluded to by the answer above). S3FS-FUSE: This is a free, open-source FUSE plugin and an easy-to-use utility which supports major Linux distributions & MacOS. ...
John Humphreys's user avatar
2 votes

Using Prometheus to monitor Spring Boot Applications in Kubernetes Cluster

The best way to deploy prometheus to kubernetes is with the helm chart: If you haven't used helm yet, its a very simple install to your ...
John Humphreys's user avatar
2 votes

I was trying ti set up presto with azure gen2 , but facing the below issue when I am querying

Since ABFS mentioned in the stacktrace as a caching filesystem, then I suppose two possible reasons and suggest solutions for them Dependency mesh in maven As noted in two answers (one, two) to a ...
Yasen's user avatar
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1 vote

I want to scale up/down as fast as AWS Lambda but also be able to allocate the vCPU (minimum 8) per task, any advice?

You can check out AWS Fargate, I've just used it for a similar use case. Setup: Jobs are posted to an SQS queue where a scheduler lambda picks them up and launches an AWS Fargate task. Caveats: ...
Raniz's user avatar
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How to aggregate logs and metrics from multiple modules accross different servers?

I recommend looking into using Grafana, Loki, and Promtail on-premises. Because they are implemented in Go, cross-compiling to run in Windows is possible. For the past several years, I have been ...
mikequentel's user avatar
1 vote

Spring Boot Microservices cannot run on Kubernetes ( connect timed out)

Reading the config-server-deployment.yaml you deploy a service under the name config-server-svc. config-server-svc maps port 80 to 9296 of pods port with label config-server-app. K8s documentation for ...
igiannak's user avatar
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1 vote

Jenkins JDK17 Docker still using JDK9?

Actually looks like I haven't done a great build-setup here. The way to correctly do this is not trying to change the default JDK (even though I still think there's an issue in the Docker..). What ...
MaduKan's user avatar
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Scaling a stateful service which has primary/secondary architecture by setting a property

You are looking for the leader election pattern. This can be implemented in many different ways. It typically means that an instance take a lock in some form of persistent storage, e.g. a PostgreSQL ...
Jonas's user avatar
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Team City Server issue after upgrade

Just in case someone stumbles on to this question, maybe this will save some time. The issue was with JRE version. Even though Team City documentation states that it supports Java 8. The issue was ...
Auris's user avatar
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How do I package a jar and a Linux VM to run in Windows?

Generally people go the opposite direction and try to get more to run on Linux as it is generally cheaper (e.g. license free). Also, Windows 10 is more of a personal workstation (vs Windows Server). ...
John Humphreys's user avatar
1 vote

How to build Java project on existing virtual machine in Azure?

You can use a custom build container image for your pipeline with Maven and all of your other dependencies. You will need to: Create a Dockerfile that installs Maven and all other dependencies that ...
Preston Martin's user avatar
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How do you monitor status and view logs for multiple distributed java applications at a centralized place?

You can use Glowroot Glowroot is Open source Java Application Monitor. Very easy to use and Very low overhead. Steps to run: Download and unzip add -javaagent:path/to/...
Subhash's user avatar
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Deploy war/ear to a container' marked build as failure

Quickly going through this it looks like you have added wrong credentials to Jenkins. Can you please check the added credentials first. aused by: org.codehaus.cargo.container.tomcat.internal....
NIK's user avatar
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1 vote

Jenkins executes Selenium test in headless mode while use `Jenkins as Service`

Following command line if you plan to run the same application in both a headless and a traditional environment: more details java -Djava.awt.headless=true You can add environment variable in Jenkins ...
Dev's user avatar
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1 vote

Docker build not picking up built jar?

It seems to me that your Dockerfile should be looking like this: FROM ~~container_on_private_registry~~ USER root WORKDIR /root ARG jenkins_jar_file=jenkins.jar ENV jenkins_jar_file ${...
Itai Ganot's user avatar
1 vote

Best way to isolate programming projects?

A more generic approach would be use a separate virtualized environment for each project, see virtualization. That could be either: a container image - more lightweight, faster and definitely more ...
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar
1 vote

Mitigating Maven Central risks as seen from the DevSecOps perspective

First of all there is one Maven central repository and that is Maven central. The website is just a search engine for Maven central. Secondly there is a gazillion of paid services ...
kazanaki's user avatar
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1 vote

Compatibility of http-builder-ng Groovy module with Jenkins 2

I would recommend against importing if at all possible. You can use built-in functionality to achieve the same results. Also be aware of "In-process Script Approval"
casey vega's user avatar

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