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9 votes

Data Science pipelines and monolithic model blobs

Personally I don't see any reason for which an Artefact Repository - the recommeneded DevOps tool of managing artefacts - wouldn't be applicable to trained neural nets or other artefacts. The ...
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar
8 votes

DevOps in space related context?

The key difference between DevOps in the context of Avionics and, aircraft/spacecraft merely has to do with deployment velocity due to FAA certifications, Aircraft re-grooms and the way in which the ...
James Shewey's user avatar
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8 votes

Crash course in Dev for Ops?

Since you've tagged this question as "culture", I'm assuming you're not interested in a specific application, but in the broader questions of workflow and management. I'd probably start with "The ...
Stuart Ainsworth's user avatar
7 votes

What are known efforts to establish DevOps ontology model?

According to Wikipedia, the first reference you linked, In computer science and information science, an ontology is a formal naming and definition of the types, properties, and interrelationships ...
James Shewey's user avatar
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7 votes

Crash course in Dev for Ops?

This is not about DevOps, but straight software development, I assume. I want to understand the culture better Well, the big thing in straight development (without the "DevOps" angle) is ...
AnoE's user avatar
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6 votes

What do businesses that employ multiple development teams use to implement DevOps in a structured manner?

Large enterprises will commonly adopt a delivery framework, or operating model, that has been built to support large enterprises. From an Agile/DevOps perspective, which is my area of expertise there ...
Richard Slater's user avatar
6 votes

How to explain the Twelve Factors to non techy people?

As far as I can read between the lines, you want your upper management to support you in introducing the 12-factor approach to your company's software development. In that respect, you do not want to ...
AnoE's user avatar
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5 votes

Can be DevOps culture mapped to a specific type of organization as described by Laloux?

This question perfectly illustrates the different approaches in adopting DevOps by organizations. While both approaches target the 3rd circle on the culture model - the traditional corporations - ...
Jiri Klouda's user avatar
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5 votes

DMAIC - Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control in the DevOps world?

Yes, DMAIC makes sense. If processes like CD need to be improved it is important to have a baseline. Therefore the Measure step is useful. The team investigates the status of process X, e.g. CD by ...
030's user avatar
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4 votes

Data Science pipelines and monolithic model blobs

I would recommend taking a look at DVC - an open source version control system for data science projects. One of the basic things that it perfectly handles is managing data files (along with code) - ...
Shcheklein's user avatar
4 votes

Kanban to catch a quick-moving situation

We are a product development shop - and in fact we build a Kanban tool (SwiftKanban), in addition to others. We have a lot of experience with Kanban and DevOps and separate boards for epic/ story ...
Mahesh Singh's user avatar
4 votes

Help! No development infrastructure in company! I've been tasked to implement it!

Have you been in this scenario before? Yes. Pretty standard scenario in my experience. How did you address and overcome these obstacles? In very small steps. How long did it take to ...
AnoE's user avatar
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4 votes

How to explain the Twelve Factors to non techy people?

I. Codebase One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys Version Control System (VCS) II. Dependencies Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies Use a package manager tool ...
030's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the optimal speed relation of CI/CD jobs to a (reference) local machine?

You want the execution speed of the CI pipeline as fast as (practically) possible, irrespective of being a local or shared setup or the time required to set it up - this is what effectively dictates ...
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar
3 votes

Methodology for software development and deploy in fast-paced agency

In terms of development procedure, you should consider using the agile method. This is the most widely used method of software development and has proven itself. Within the scope of the agile method ...
James Shewey's user avatar
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3 votes

What are known efforts to establish DevOps ontology model?

Yes but It is hard to deny James and Tensibai's sentiments that we are hard to define. I've probably offended a few job interviewers by pointing out DevOps means whatever you want it to mean at the ...
chicks's user avatar
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3 votes

Separation of CI and CD processes

You're basically describing GitOps. Here's how I've followed that for a containerized microservices build and deploy pipeline: Each service repo includes it's own Dockerfile, Kubernetes manifests, ...
BMitch's user avatar
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2 votes

Process guidance for new development team leader

I suspect I'm late to the party, but I've survived a few similar scenarios and might have some tips for you. It sounds like your team has been over-managed and has grown hostile to process or rules ...
esoterydactyl's user avatar
2 votes

What are formal criteria for establishing declarative pipelines, or pipelines as a code?

Pipeline as Code (PaC) means that the CI/CD configuration will be stored in the VCS instead of in the CI/CD tool itself, e.g. configuring it manually by using a UI. Any experiences what can be the "...
030's user avatar
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2 votes

What do businesses that employ multiple development teams use to implement DevOps in a structured manner?

Inability to report progress consistently across multiple development teams, for example, if one team reports their progress in terms of the number of equally sized stories completed in 2 weeks; ...
Ethan Edwards's user avatar
2 votes

What do businesses that employ multiple development teams use to implement DevOps in a structured manner?

None of the issues you present appear to be DevOps-specific to me. Some of the pitfalls organisations are trying to avoid are: Inability to report progress consistently across multiple development ...
Xiong Chiamiov's user avatar
2 votes

Kanban to catch a quick-moving situation

The beauty of a kanban board is that it lets you see what everyone on the team is working on; if work is related, it should be on a common board (in my opinion). However, one way to deal with ...
Stuart Ainsworth's user avatar
2 votes

Does QA in DevOps roles means CI/CD or more?

First, DevOps is a journey, not a destination. Not every organization approaches similar problems with the same solution; while automation is a component of a DevOps platform, it's not the single ...
Stuart Ainsworth's user avatar
2 votes

Is there any relationship between "production engineering" and DevOps?

According to Facebook Production Engineering at Facebook is a hybrid between software and systems engineering; it keeps Facebook running smoothly and scaling efficiently. The Production ...
oryades's user avatar
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2 votes

What considerations should be taken into account for a good log file format?

If you are dealing with application logs, here are the three broad categories of information that a good log file should cover: basic context (timestamp, log level, application name, source file name,...
codeforester's user avatar
1 vote

Is there any relationship between "production engineering" and DevOps?

This is opinionated I feel. But for me I think the relation between the 2 is actually a massive mistake made by a lot of companies. There are a ton of software-systems hybrid jobs out there, and I've ...
tsturzl's user avatar
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1 vote

Help! No development infrastructure in company! I've been tasked to implement it!

I'd prioritize things like this: put all projects in version control automate the builds and immediately/simultaneously bring up CI with those builds - this is important to prevent the teams not yet ...
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar
1 vote

Does QA in DevOps roles means CI/CD or more?

The key aspect in a Dev(Sec)Ops-oriented organisation is the inter-field communication and collaboration. From this perspective, the QA role can include activities such as: continuous improvement of ...
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar
1 vote

Does QA in DevOps roles means CI/CD or more?

This is an open-ended question, which is why the following answer is an opinion. The focus of QA (quality assurance) in the DevOps field is to monitor the deployment metrics to ensure that faults are ...
Moritz's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I build & maintain a personal, cross-platform 'toolkit' of commonly used applications?

For your own personal use, I think a GitHub repository with all of your bootstrap and installation scripts is a great idea. It serves as a portable way to download and distribute any scripts you need ...
Preston Martin's user avatar
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