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19 votes

What are ways to mitigate the effects of Mythical Man Month?

What is the MMM First I want to explain the context for Brook's Law. What was the assumption that made him create it back in 1975? A Man-month is a hypothetical unit of work representing the work ...
Evgeny Zislis's user avatar
13 votes

How do I hire a good DevOps, fitting my company?

It is a common misbelief that “DevOps” is a role in a company. The word merely denotes an organisational shift in software companies, this shift can be shortly described by the “You build it, you run ...
Michaël Le Barbier's user avatar
11 votes

Jenkins: What is a build?

As you guessed, build not necessarily means "compile". Building is a process of creating software from sources, which might include stuff like gathering dependencies, compiling, archiving, ...
JBaruch's user avatar
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9 votes

Application calling AWS internal load balancer in same subnet is timing out

So what you have actually is this: As your API ELB is in a private zone it can't be accessed from the internet. Your frontend in React.js just run in User's browser and not on the UI servers, those ...
Tensibai's user avatar
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8 votes

How do I hire a good DevOps, fitting my company?

At the risk of getting vote down, off-topic or even heresy, I going to tell you, "Don't listen to the purists telling you that DevOps is not a role." You are on the right track. It should fit your ...
kenchew's user avatar
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8 votes

Crash course in Dev for Ops?

Since you've tagged this question as "culture", I'm assuming you're not interested in a specific application, but in the broader questions of workflow and management. I'd probably start with "The ...
Stuart Ainsworth's user avatar
7 votes

Crash course in Dev for Ops?

This is not about DevOps, but straight software development, I assume. I want to understand the culture better Well, the big thing in straight development (without the "DevOps" angle) is ...
AnoE's user avatar
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6 votes

How do I hire a good DevOps, fitting my company?

"Hiring a DevOps" will be tough because DevOps isn't a role. IF you can find an engineer with software development and engineering skills, you're on the right track.. However, Your hiring process ...
Dave Swersky's user avatar
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5 votes

What are ways to mitigate the effects of Mythical Man Month?

What I have done (and this is only subjective) is as follows: When a manager thinking about a due date wishes to add people into my team to cut the time needed and seems under MMM, I first discuss ...
Tensibai's user avatar
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4 votes

What are ways to mitigate the effects of Mythical Man Month?

Speaking exclusively from a CI perspective, increasing the number of developers working on a project typically translates into more people working in the same branch. Traditional CI systems have a ...
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar
3 votes

What does "build step" mean?

In a CI/CD pipeline a build step is whatever you want it to be. It is the equivalent of a function or procedure from a traditional programming language. Examples of build steps from a CI/CD ...
chicks's user avatar
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3 votes

Should I give an assessment to DevOps Candidate

Yes. Although DevOps is a culture and not a role, one should assess the mindset and technical skills of a candidate. At my previous work we conducted two interviews. The first one was a conversation ...
030's user avatar
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3 votes

Should I give an assessment to DevOps Candidate

Yes, there absolutely should be an assessment, however it would be a good idea to agree upfront with one of the few DevOps people you know to validate the content and results. Regarding the contents ...
taleodor's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I hire a good DevOps, fitting my company?

I look for a number of things in the people I have hired into this space. a minimum of 'ha' level of agile (google shu, ha, ri for agile adoption if you need more) technical hands-on experience - ...
icewav's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I hire a good DevOps, fitting my company?

There are two possibilities: You need help figuring out what are the changes your company needs to go through on your journey to DevOps. You know what you need and just look to hire people to ...
Jiri Klouda's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the cheapest way to get CI for a Qt project?

One of the major advantage of the container technology is standardisation: easily replicating the same environment wherever a specific container is used, be it, for example, on your own machine during ...
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar
2 votes

Software/devops engineer's personal dashboard recomendations

For all of your read-only dashboard needs, there is Grafana with multitude of plugins, data sources and visualizations (tables, charts etc). You can also program your custom data sources pretty easily ...
Yekta Leblebici's user avatar
2 votes

"Software Development" which environment is it: Manufacturing or Projects?

According to Wikipedia Manufacturing is the production of merchandise for use or sale using labour and machines, tools, chemical and biological processing, or formulation. and a project ...
030's user avatar
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2 votes

How well can agile pair programming work in interdisciplinary DevOps contexts?

Agile fits very well with a DevOps culture and pair programming is no exception. The following are some examples of "pair programming" principles applied in a DevOps context: A pair of individuals ...
Wesley Rolnick's user avatar
2 votes

What does "build step" mean?

In my experience "build step" is synonymous with "compilation", e.g. it's the step that builds a set of output files (binary, etc.).
Derek Pedersen's user avatar
1 vote

QA instability due to lack of stable UAT/staging environment

If you need to manually test the whole system, there needs to be a stable environment for that. It should reflect the production environment, with the only difference being the component that is about ...
Fenton's user avatar
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1 vote

How to build, package and deploy a react-native-web app in a Docker container?

It's a pretty general question, I will try to answer the best I can: If you want to just build and run an image: Build the project: npx expo-cli init react_native_app --npm You need to create a ...
Avi's user avatar
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1 vote

What does "build step" mean?

The precise answer will depend on the context in which build step is used. However, on a high level as per me, it is always relative to the deploy process. Build step is just before the deploy step. ...
AdityaKapreShrewsburyBoston's user avatar
1 vote

What are the different types of work in a development team?

Nice question! Possibly, Changes are further strategic product development beyond current work which is more than required by technical debt? For example, introducing a new framework, or nice ...
Ta Mu's user avatar
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1 vote

git - develop base and extended feature - commits in base should reflect in extended in pull

Because you have a large project with multiple teams using multiple development branches will give you merge headaches, especially if the core and extended features have a significant overlap in the ...
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar
1 vote

What is the cheapest way to get CI for a Qt project?

You could use Jenkins along with Gitlab for your CI. Both are free. As far as the Qt project goes, you could use the sh or bat steps to run qmake, or cmake for that matter, from within the build job. ...
Argyle's user avatar
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1 vote

Application calling AWS internal load balancer in same subnet is timing out

This sounds like an asymmetric or n-path routing issue. Here is what is probably happening: Machine A at IP address makes initiates a [SYN] request through the LB at the LB ...
James Shewey's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I hire a good DevOps, fitting my company?

Aside other questions I believe the following answer is yet missing - I want to summarize what I have learned so far in a mostly humble tone: Introducing DevOps skills to your team is probably not ...
Ta Mu's user avatar
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