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9 votes

How does Vagrant differ from Ansible and Docker?

Vagrant can complement Ansible and Docker. It is used to spin virtual machines inside which you install Docker and test your Ansible playbooks. You describe desired VM configuration with Vagrantfile ...
Konstantin Suvorov's user avatar
9 votes

How to use Vagrant and Docker-for-Windows on a Hyper-V system?

Confirmed by this answer on SO referencing Microsoft technet once Hyper-V is activated it mask the VT-X instructions of the processor to the OS on top of it and windows run like a guest. Docker for ...
Tensibai's user avatar
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9 votes

How do I configure SSH keys in a Vagrant multi-machine setup?

There is no general method and it might depend on how boxcutter/ol67 was packed. The easiest method would be to define the password in the Ansible inventory file: [oracle-vm:vars] ansible_ssh_user=...
techraf's user avatar
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8 votes

How do I configure SSH keys in a Vagrant multi-machine setup?

Based on techraf's 3rd suggestion I did the following: vagrant up ansible ssh-keygen (no password just pressed Enter) copied .ssh/id_rsa and .ssh/ to the project directory vagrant destroy ...
opticyclic's user avatar
6 votes

What can Vagrant, Puppet, Docker, Chef do for a Full stack Web developer?

First of all, I strongly advise against "feature comparisons" blog post for similar software, they're quickly outdated and I'll try to keep this answer generic for a system configuration manager (SCM) ...
Tensibai's user avatar
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5 votes

How to use Vagrant and Docker-for-Windows on a Hyper-V system?

A few years later this thread is still the first result in Google, but running Docker+Vagrant (with VirtualBox) on Windows isn't a challenge anymore. You can easily run them both, as described here If ...
kubut's user avatar
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5 votes

Ansible configure and compile in directory

Ansible command module requires only one command and cannot be changed. You should use the shell module at the very least. Note however that this will break the idempotency of the playbook. You ...
Bruce Becker's user avatar
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5 votes

Ansible warning that host key has changed, even though I've taken multiple steps to prevent this warning

You can add this in inventory: ansible_ssh_common_args="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" It's ignoring check host and setting /dev/null as Known host file.
Dilson Rainov's user avatar
4 votes

Vagrantfile change with Ansible playbook to control file permission on Vagrant synced folder for Trellis

There are two parts of this Vagrantfile, one does the mounting for Windows hosts (the first half), the other one for UNIX hosts (the second half), but essentially the do the same - just with different ...
SztupY's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I automate population of known_hosts and authorized_keys?

You have to execute ssh-keyscan. For example to ssh to a host ( here ) you have to run below script # Add ssh key to help cloning private github repo ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f secrets/...
SkyRar's user avatar
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4 votes

Build Docker Images with Ansible + Vagrant

If it's within scope, I would use Packer to build the artifacts. Write a Packer template using the builders that you want: Vagrant builder for the Vagrant image Docker builder for the Docker image. ...
Bruce Becker's user avatar
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4 votes

Ansible warning that host key has changed, even though I've taken multiple steps to prevent this warning

An alternative sintax to Dilson Rainov's answer, more ansible 2.x style (I think). In your inventory define the host as: vagrant-local: ansible_host: ansible_user: vagrant ...
Lennonry's user avatar
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3 votes

A cloud technology with automatic upgrades of my OS-release and web server release?

What you are primarily discussing is the hosting model for the underlying cloud you are using, for example, from what you have said so far your hosting model is relying on Infrastructure-as-a-Service (...
Richard Slater's user avatar
3 votes

How does Vagrant differ from VirtualBox and similar software, if at all?

Vagrant is a tool to create and customize virtual environments (containers and VMs) in a reproducible fashion (across platforms) using code and a virtualization provider of your choice. VirtualBox is ...
Richard Logwood's user avatar
3 votes

How to terminate EC2 instance in Jenkins via Vagrant when job is stopped manually?

This can be achieved by using Post build task plugin and by adding the following Script command in Post-build Action, Post build task solved the problem: vagrant destroy -f Plus adding rule with Log ...
kenorb's user avatar
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3 votes

Unable to ssh in a multi-machine vagrant environment

Following Vagrant file address this problem. You can get all supporting key files along with this vagrant file at $commonscript = <<-...
MalyaBee's user avatar
2 votes

Unable to ssh in a multi-machine vagrant environment

According to the docs one should use: vagrant ssh [name|id] If there is a single node then use vagrant ssh and in case of multi-node define the name or id of the VM, e.g. vagrant ssh box1 If one ...
030's user avatar
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2 votes

Other tools to provision virtual machines

Have you considered to use Ansible? You have some resources about using Ansible with VirtualBox and also vagrant
wolmi's user avatar
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2 votes

What is a suitable strategy for provisioning Chef Server through code?

'Suitable' can honestly be whatever works for you. I personally feel its perfectly reasonable to do a manual install of Chef server. It is the CM tool to help provision the rest of your fleet. You ...
BoomShadow's user avatar
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2 votes

Understanding Vagrant virtual machine import

It looks like that there is a name conflict: The name of your virtual machine couldn't be set because VirtualBox is reporting another VM with that name already exists. Most of the time, this is ...
030's user avatar
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2 votes

Structuring Ansible playbooks for low volume, purpose-built images

Unless I totally missed your question, roles are exactly what you need in this case. I'll use examples from my real world. My code below is just to illustrate my point (so it is not fully runnable, ...
Zeitounator's user avatar
2 votes

How frequently do PaaS:VPS agencies upgrade OS_release in comparison to PaaS:shared-webserver?

From my experience this is very provider specific and requires evaluating the SLA offered for a particular service. For example the siteground cloud server offerings shown at https://www.siteground....
Richard Logwood's user avatar
2 votes

vagrant box tests in gitlab-ci

You can do via docker, since it's a test. Here is an example repository, both docker and vagrant.
dalmo.santos's user avatar
2 votes

Problem with Vagrant : Nothing happens on vagrant up command

If it's an Intel CPU, you may have to enable Intel VT-x in the bios. Sometimes the virtual machine will tell you this, and sometimes not. Here's a link that might help (ignore the Windows 10 part ...
wrk2bike's user avatar
2 votes

vagrant on windows 10 incorrect network configuration on multi-machine setup

eth0 is used by vagrant for nat configuration in order to establish portforwarding. eth1 private networks that you have configured should allow you to ping/nslookup from one node to another. You can ...
anVzdGFub3RoZXJodW1hbg's user avatar
1 vote

Can a 5 US $ VPSE support VAD stack with 2 relatively-small CMSs?

In this scenario, the cpu cycles required to read from the database and render to PHP will all be handled by a single core, ie they will be handled one after the other. This will be about the slowest ...
jdog's user avatar
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1 vote

VAD (Vagrant-Ansible-Docker) stack for Ubuntu and Apache

I think your research is leading you in the right direction, but I cannot see the value of Docker in here. I found managing LAMP environments with Ansible completely unproblematic and the scripts I ...
jdog's user avatar
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1 vote

Maximally-self-managed hosting-platforms and OS-and-above containerizators (like Vagrant)

Yes, there are plenty of providers which make the first step redundant; i.e. they give you a working, optimized, running Linux box just by clicking a button, without you having to care how it works. ...
AnoE's user avatar
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1 vote

Other tools to provision virtual machines

I've been wondering if there is any other similar software/tool that just does a one time provision, sets up a static IP/MAC address, and allows for easy start/resume/shutdown when testing/deploying/...
AnoE's user avatar
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1 vote

Vagrant box take long time to access shared /vagrant folder

It seems ther reason for this was that the SMB connections would disconnect. using net config server /autodisconnect:-1 in a "run as administrator" command window fixed it. as explained here: ...
epeleg's user avatar
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