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2 votes

Migrating from a Helm chart release to an ArgoCD Application

You can do this in three steps: 1)Remove the Helm Releases without deleting resources This can be done by deleting the secrets in which the release is stored. Run: kubectl get secret | grep helm ...
Ortomala Lokni's user avatar
1 vote

Difference between Sync Phases and Waves?

tl;dr phases are used to order the running of scripts; waves are used to order the apply of application resources. The PreSync and PostSync sync phases are used to run resource hooks - scripts that ...
d4nyll's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the corrrect way to install remote Helm applications via Argo CD?

If I understood your question correctly, you want to configure the "Loki" Helm chart when installing the "Loki-Stack" Helm chart. The Loki-Stack Helm chart has several sub-charts (...
JacksGT's user avatar
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1 vote

Argo CD + Operators = Overkill?

I only used Fluxcd in the past so I'm not 107% confident it will work in exactly the same way in Argos but what I needed to do was to deploy those deployments in stages. In the first stage I've ...
Oliniusz's user avatar
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