How to manage Consul and its quorum in auto-scaling environments?
I would set the leave_on_terminate option to true. As per the documentation
leave_on_terminate If enabled, when the agent receives a TERM signal,
it will send a Leave message to the rest of the ...
Consul: how to remove dead client nodes quickly
As a best practice, you should gracefully deregister the node gracefully. In this case, consul will know the the node has left and will be removed from the cluster. Otherwise, the consul cannot ...
How to visualize dynamic microservice architecture running with Consul?
I recommend that you take a look at the NetworkX library for Python. With a script you could query Consul and build a graph of linked nodes which could be rendered to an image file and served with a ...
consul throwing an error
It looks like that the official Consul documentation is more up to date than the link that was posted in the question.
If one starts with the Getting Started guide, then one could start a consul ...
Consul with Nginx, not using docker
I have done this in the past using https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-template.
What consul-template does it generate a configuration file (for nginx) based on a certain template you provide. And ...
Consul cluster does not work as expected when one of server is down
Based on my understanding of the topology you have described you essential have:
3 Nodes - 2 Servers and 1 Client
This layout is immediately a problem because the clustering protocol that consul ...
Is there a good standard to follow when choosing a service mesh for your microservice application?
I would say that Istio is the de facto standard for Service Mesh. It is launched by both Google and IBM.
Welcome to the service mesh era: Introducing a new Istio blog post series
IBM, Google Cloud ...
Running consul in the background using Chef
The usual way to do that is to use a service manager (systemd or supervisord) to handle the service lifecycle (keeping the consul program running and restarting it if it fails for exemple) there's ...
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