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11 votes

Does load balancer F5 support CasC (Configuration as Code)?

Yes, F5's do support Configuration as Code. Historically, F5 has made an appliance to manage Configuration as Code called "Enterprise Manager" which pragmatically managed client endpoint F5s (LTMs, ...
James Shewey's user avatar
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8 votes

How to prevent hug of death on EC2 Instance?

If you want something quick to get this sorted without much more knowledge I'd recommend elastic beanstalk. It's another AWS application which will handle the load balancer configuration and instance ...
Briansbum's user avatar
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8 votes

Load balancing Nexus artifact repository

Sonatype's Nexus 3 Pro supports High Availability through a couple of mechanisms that are collectively known as Component Fabric: Peer-to-peer Repository Managers means there is no one master, also ...
Richard Slater's user avatar
5 votes

Reverse Proxy and TCP Optimization Inside the Network

Tuning the parameters you have identified will certainly have an effect - to degrade performance. For example, net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling is an on or off option. Similarly, net.ipv4.tcp_sack is ...
James Shewey's user avatar
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5 votes

Open Ports on Google Cloud Load Balancer

info from: Open ports The external HTTP(S) load balancers are reverse proxy load balancers. The load balancer terminates incoming ...
user19467's user avatar
4 votes

Move Load balancer certificate to another AWS account

There's no need to delete it from the first account. AWS will issue certificates as long as you can prove domain ownership. Nothing stopping you from having a cert for the same domain in multiple ...
Trondh's user avatar
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4 votes

Open Ports on Google Cloud Load Balancer

It's not currently possible to restrict a GCP load balancer's ports and protocols used like you can with an AWS ELB. This is a feature request.
bootbeast's user avatar
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Open Ports on Google Cloud Load Balancer

I looked for that too but I don't think you can as these are the ports used by Google to do LB: HTTP requests can be load balanced based on port 80 or port 8080. HTTPS requests can be load balanced ...
STM's user avatar
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4 votes

Open Ports on Google Cloud Load Balancer

You can't add deny rules to GC firewall. The default policy is Deny. You can only add allow rules - allow everything you need and let everything else get rejected. Since the ports you need to block ...
13dimitar's user avatar
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4 votes

Does load balancer F5 support CasC (Configuration as Code)?

James, you are correct in that BIG-IQ replaced Enterprise Manager. However, like Enterprise Manager, BIG-IQ is for 'device/feature' management. For integrating via REST APIs directly, or to 3rd party ...
Nathan Pearce's user avatar
4 votes

How can I achieve better load balancing of different systems on a Jenkins?

The default behavior of Jenkins is to use the same node over and over unless it's unavailable. If you use labels you can target resources. Take a look at plugins like Least Load and Scoring Load ...
casey vega's user avatar
4 votes

Load Balancer and EC2 in same subnet?

The best practice is to have your web, app and db servers in private subnets and only the actual front end - which is ALB in your case - in the public subnet. The reason is that web, app and db ...
MLu's user avatar
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3 votes

AWS: Application vs Classic Load Balancer

1) you are using 2 classic ELBs instead of 1 ALB so costs savings can be a factor 2) using a layer7 loadbalancer vs a layer4 gives many features and capabilities not possible otherwise you can see a ...
tolib's user avatar
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3 votes

Load balancing kubernetes cluster on budget KVM provider?

It depends on how much time you can invest into configuration and your configuration. I have built my own cluster on AWS using Nomad and Consul where Fabio was used as Application Load Balancing ...
Hauleth's user avatar
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3 votes

In what all cases would one use an external load balancer over the Ingress routing mesh in a Docker cluster?

You missed a point that there's still a need in balancing traffic before nodes in Docker cluster, and ELB is great for it (managed cluster, healthchecks, you don't pay for number of ELB instances per ...
chupasaurus's user avatar
3 votes

Where to start? Scaling PHP applications on AWS

Here's a rough approach to scaling any stateless app on AWS: Run the app in an Auto Scaling Group (ASG). An ASG makes it easy to manage multiple servers, will automatically replace failed servers, ...
Yevgeniy Brikman's user avatar
3 votes

Ingress vs Load Balancer

After talking with the support staff from the cloud provider, reading through the docs and looking at how other cloud providers do it, I believe that both of them are needed. In order to have a simple ...
Razvan Toader's user avatar
2 votes

Custom Layer 4 Load Balancer

Historically, F5's Application Delivery Controller has been the enterprise-grade industry solution for doing this. With this solution you can: Use iRules LX to communicate with other software to auto-...
James Shewey's user avatar
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2 votes

In kubernetes, using an nginx ingress controller what is recommended way of adding back end services?

What you have installed, the ingress controller, is only one part of the story. The other part is an ingress: in an ingress you define what pods/services should receive traffic of what domain and ...
slintes's user avatar
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2 votes

In kubernetes, using an nginx ingress controller what is recommended way of adding back end services?

Ingress controllers allow you to not manually wire stuff up, that's the whole point. If you'd rather do it manually You could have an nginx array (either inside Kubernetes our outside of it) and just ...
Trondh's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I configure an AWS network load balancer with an A record in Cloudflare

You create a CNAME record referencing the assigned hostname of the balancer as the target. CNAME records are not valid at the apex of a zone (i.e. the "naked" domain, without www or any other prefix) ...
Michael - sqlbot's user avatar
2 votes

How to connect GCP Load balancer to Kubernetes cluster(single node cluster)

You can use the GCP HTTP(S) Load balancer. Since you are running a kubernetes cluster (Assuming you are using GKE), GKE uses Google compute VM instance groups which can be put behind a load balancer ...
Samit's user avatar
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AWS API Gateway as an http proxy to ALB

Try directly accessing from your web browser and you'll get a similar error. The SSL certificate is not just used for encryption -- it also ...
Michael - sqlbot's user avatar
2 votes

AWS ECS Fargate, auto scaling and load balancer

Load balancing will route the requests across tasks while autoscaling will increase or decrease the number of tasks based on the traffic. starting new tasks when cpu threshold exceed is autoscaling, ...
astroanu's user avatar
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2 votes

Redirect to a custom page on 503 error in Ingress

There is no built-in configuration/annotation to handle this. Although, you can use the server-snippet annotation to create a custom configuration that intercepts the error 503, proxying the request ...
Eduardo Baitello's user avatar
1 vote

How to setup Cloudfront for Load balancer for a private staging domain name?

My solution is based on signed cookies (find how to implement it here,; I've created a lambda ...
punkbit's user avatar
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1 vote

multiple projects per EC2 with Load Balancers

You can archive that, but you will need to use the Application Load Balancer (ALB) which allows you to create rules (like HTTP URL paths, host header conditionals, query strings, HTTP method) to ...
Dennis Ruiz's user avatar
1 vote

Load Balancing of Jenkins Nodes without Load Balancing Plugin?

This is similar to: Have you considered Least Load plugin? By ...
Ian W's user avatar
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1 vote

How to update frontend servers behind a load balancer

What you have above seems like a reasonable update procedure, however you can also use persistence or a sticky session so that when a user goes to a web server, they will be routed to the same web ...
James Shewey's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it possible to set up Microsoft Sql Server in a scalable way?

Not impossible, very easy in fact with read-only routing. Clients intending to be read-only specify it in their connect string, so this is per-session rather than per-statement. You can have up to 9 ...
Gaius's user avatar
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