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22 votes

Permission denied within mounted volume inside Podman container

Thanks to the people here, the solution is quite simple (but not obvious): My GNU/Linux container host has SELinux activated, and that's why I was having permissions problems. The solution is to ...
hpy's user avatar
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3 votes

Processes in "podman build" have lower file descriptor limit than processes in "podman run", how can I increase this?

The following command works, cobbled together from friendly advice and additional googling based on that input: podman build --ulimit=nofile=131072:1048576 [other arguments here] The latest releases ...
Tom Boutell's user avatar
2 votes

Processes in "podman build" have lower file descriptor limit than processes in "podman run", how can I increase this?

To permanently raise the default ulimit, it's now possible to edit /etc/containers/containers.conf (or the same file at various other locations; see man containers.conf): Something like this: [...
cyqsimon's user avatar
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2 votes

nginx container isn't reachable from outside

I ran into this same issue on windows and since you mentioned windows firewall I am assuming you are also running it. I noticed that you did not mention any portmapping. Get the ip of your podman vm. ...
eddyizm's user avatar
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1 vote

Using Containerfile inside podman-compose.yml with podman-compose not working

It looks like you hit this bug: 1.1.0 (and perhaps above) broke the use of Containerfiles #977 You can rename (or symlink) your Containerfile to Dockerfile, or add a dockerfile: Containerfile ...
larsks's user avatar
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1 vote

podman pause vs podman stop: what's the difference?

This functionality is left to the ContainerEngine for implementation. Pause is suspend Pause does some voodoo with freezing cgroups you can see this in the code to crun in ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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1 vote

What is this "rootlessport", and how to get it to release the port hold?

I found that rootlessport is part of the podman package. I was able to kill the process as root: kill $( ps aux | grep rootlessport ) After that, the port was released, and I could spin up new ...
Polo's user avatar
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