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22 votes

Permission denied within mounted volume inside Podman container

Thanks to the people here, the solution is quite simple (but not obvious): My GNU/Linux container host has SELinux activated, and that's why I was having permissions problems. The solution is to ...
hpy's user avatar
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10 votes

Docker compose volume syntax valid for Windows and Linux

Yes. Just use ./ for you current directory that the Docker-compose file is in. Your "working directory" for the compose file is just "./". If you are trying to set a directory ...
Wesley Rolnick's user avatar
10 votes

How to deal with docker compose's naming convention of named volumes?

Docker Prepends the current folder name with all the components name created using docker compose file. Eg : If the current folder name containing the docker-compose.yml file is test, all the volumes,...
Shubhanshu Rastogi's user avatar
4 votes

Why does my Docker composer not work with volume?

It seems there is a spacing issue in your yaml You should change the compose file to version : '3.4' services: testando-volume-compartilhado-a: image: carloshenriquecarniatto/teste:latest ...
3 votes

Docker compose volume syntax valid for Windows and Linux

PS C:\Users\gaius> Write-Output $PSVersionTable.PSVersion Major Minor Build Revision ----- ----- ----- -------- 5 1 17763 592 PS C:\Users\gaius> Write-Output $pwd Path ...
Gaius's user avatar
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3 votes

How Docker volume works?

Dockerfile's VOLUME does not allow you to specify a host path. On the host-side, the volumes are created with a very long ID-like name, these volumes are often referred to as unnamed/anonymous volumes....
storm's user avatar
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3 votes

How to deal with docker compose's naming convention of named volumes?

What about creating docker volumes yourself instead of letting docker to that for you? If one creates docker volumes yourself then ...
030's user avatar
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2 votes

Docker compose volume syntax valid for Windows and Linux

I think my case may be related as I also tried to configure environment for both Windows and Linux. I only have to mention that I am using docker-compose on WSL1 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) ...
rozacek's user avatar
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2 votes

Docker in docker volume mount doesn't work

Single quotes in shell meant to leave the enclosed string 'as is'. That is the variable inside single quotes isn't going to be evaluated. Try changing '${WORKSPACE}' for "${WORKSPACE}".
anemyte's user avatar
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1 vote

How Docker volume works?

Say we have an application running on a docker container that generates some kind of daily reports. The daily reports that our application generates are stored somewhere within the container. One fine ...
Suraj M Nagrale's user avatar
1 vote

Upload data into docker container from docker volume

You can mount a volume e.g. at /app/artifacts then set up your application to place the artifacts on that folder. docker run -d \ -v artifacts-vol:/app/artifacts \ artifact-creator:latest then ...
Josué Padilla's user avatar
1 vote

Auto-managed docker-compose volume not shared among containers

Define the volume in the following way volumes: - ${local_path}:/data or using docker volumes version: '3.7' volumes: db-data: services: one: image: alpine command: sh -c 'echo ...
Al-waleed Shihadeh's user avatar
1 vote

How would I change the docker's base directory

Symlink is an universal solution which works, I've successfully used it plenty of times. I do not recommend using the path you suggested, though, since the files should be owned by either the root or ...
Claudiu's user avatar
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1 vote

Run docker with bind-mount pointing to non-existent host folder: Where is the data?

I have been using Linux and since Docker volume caches the data, it is merely persistent until you remove it manually. In RHEL8, /var/lib/docker/volumes/, this is where all the volume mounts are ...
Divyaansh Jain's user avatar
1 vote

Update volume size dynamically from inside a POD

In my opinion, you could create bucket (aws s3 for example) and store your data there (create simple app to make upload), thus, you don’t need to care with disk full error
Ruan Arcega's user avatar
1 vote

backup dockerise mysql database from host volume

based on @ulrich answer, but with mysqldump : DATE_TIME=`date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M" CONTAINER_NAME="mysql_server" CONTAINER=`docker ps -q -f name=${CONTAINER_NAME}` PASSWORD=`docker exec $...
bcag2's user avatar
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1 vote

backup dockerise mysql database from host volume

I have a little script for my MariaDb database inside a docker container. The setup is comparable. I have a database container with a mounted volume. Furthermore I have a second volume for backups ...
seism0saurus's user avatar
1 vote

How to Connect Docker Containers?

I'm still fairly new to the Docker game, too, but I've got a few little projects that I do exactly what you are asking about. Through my own experience with trial & error (mostly error...) I would ...
aK8sN0v1c3's user avatar
1 vote

Store named volumes on another drive

If I understand Docker Desktop and Hyper-V correctly, volumes are stored inside a MobyLinuxVM. That's right and it seems to be possible to move the whole VM to another drive as described here. ...
lukket's user avatar
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1 vote

Docker - Mount a volume from a container to an other (equivalent volumes_from) in docker-compose 3

The Problem: Named volumes are initialized on container creation when the volume is empty, and from the first container that starts up using that volume. That initialization includes all files, ...
BMitch's user avatar
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1 vote

Where is it said I can safely the same local volume to multiple docker containers?

By a "local volume" I assume you mean a block device directly attached to the host, such as a "normal" internal disk. The standard way to run multiple Docker, containers now is Kubernetes, since the ...
Gaius's user avatar
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