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VPN container providing access to host's LAN?

I am accessing my home network with a VPN running in a docker container in my home server. That sounds similar to what you want to do. Here's how I configured it (using this docker image - note that ...
Vincenzo Pii's user avatar
3 votes

Accessing remote servers through a VPN tunnel from within docker container

If you run docker run --rm -it alpine:3.7 /bin/sh, created docker container will use default bridge network. You can see the properties of this network using the following command: docker network ...
Invidian's user avatar
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Is cross-region Kubernetes a thing, and if so, what role does VPN place in this context?

First, etcd is a core component in Kubernetes clusters. It is based on the Raft Consensus Algorithm and a weaker point with it is when the latency between the members (e.g. in the distribued etcd ...
Jonas's user avatar
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DC Jenkins server to AWS servers connection

Depending on your use-case, you should look either: Establishing a persistent VPN connection to the AWS VPC using the Site-To-Site VPN as described here:
M_dk's user avatar
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Jenkins job using VPN?

If you want to VPN for a jenkins task you would want to use the OpenConnect plugin as you mentioned. Here are the steps to do that: On linux (debian based) sudo apt-get install openconnect Add the ...
ZaxLofful's user avatar
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2 votes

How to start a VPN connection using Jenkins?

solutions is: OpenConnect Plugin See here: OR also you can use below method: On Linux (Debian based) sudo apt-get install openconnect ...
Subhash's user avatar
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Jenkins job using VPN?

I think that it's very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve something like this. The reason is that once the machine running Jenkins is connected to the VPN it is also effectively disconnected ...
Dan Cornilescu's user avatar
2 votes

Using Amazon VPC provided DNS trough AWS Site-to-Site VPN

Is it possible to query Amazon DNS server from our corporate network trough the VPN tunnel? Directly? No. The recursive resolver available by default when you create a VPC can only be accessed by an ...
user2640621's user avatar
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Is it possible to make the minikube VM use the VPN configuration from the host machine?

In my case this problem was when using OSX, so this answer may not work on other operating systems. Adding the flag --hyperkit-vpnkit-sock=auto on minikube start solved the problem for me. This limits ...
Hannes Knutsson's user avatar
1 vote

AWS ElastiCache Redis DNS error - Name or service not known

It could be due to a "VPC DNS throttling", you can find more information on the official documentation.
Hik's user avatar
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How to automate the key exchange in WireGuard when you deploy a cluster of machines?

The githubixx wireguard ansible role might be what you are looking for. The author of the role says: I use WireGuard to setup a fully meshed VPN (every host can directly connect to every other host) ...
jzzz's user avatar
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Port forwarding for Windows Server like SSH port forwarding

You can use a ssh reverse proxy from any terminal (that has the ssh bin) to communicate with your applications. For instance try this on the client side: ssh -NL 3000:localhost:3000 [email protected]....
Doctor's user avatar
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Is there a limitation in AWS to open an IPSec VPN connection?

For me it looks to be tunnel misconfigured - "there is a message about protocol mismatch" Regarding the limitations quick google took me here: [strongSwan] strongswan limits
patrykk's user avatar
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Connect two PCs to Azure vnet then RDP from one to the other

I have fixed this partially by updating the routes.txt file in the installation folder for the client app by adding an entry for the subnet used by the gateway to assign IP address to new logins. ...
Slicc's user avatar
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OpenVPN - routing public domain over tunnel?

Yes, this is possible. You can create a private DNS zone for using AWS route53 in the AWS VPC where your openvpn server is running. Then you can point to the private IP ...
Samit's user avatar
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Communication between VPCs and a transit VPC hosting VPN Server without Masking source IP

VPC peering does not support transit traffic. Unsupported VPC Peering Configurations described several scenarious that are not supported. This case is not specifically mentioned, but is implicit ...
Michael - sqlbot's user avatar

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