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-1 votes
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Deploying Dockerized App with Database to Production

I am developing a Spring Boot RestAPI which relies on MariaDB and now I am deploying it to production on the VPS server. I already dockerized the Spring application and created a Docker Compose file ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Issue with Accessing FastAPI Microservice via Nginx in Docker Setup

I'm working on a Dockerized application that consists of a FastAPI backend (Microservice 1) and an Nginx server (Microservice 2) which serves as a reverse proxy and also serves static files. ...
Peyton Molino's user avatar
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Auth Error: Windows Service Container to API Container Connection Issues

I’m currently working with two containers in my setup: Container 1: API Container (mapped to port 80:8080, accessible via http://localhost/swagger) Container 2: Windows Service Container The API ...
Suresh S's user avatar
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How to test the connection from AWS to an on-premise, private API?

I have an API running in an on-premise K8s cluster. I plan to use AWS for load balancing/access/auth/etc to expose this API to the public internet. To forward requests from AWS to my API, I am ...
dvidg's user avatar
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How to allow an application outside GCP to consume a GCP Vertex AI endpoint?

A Vertex AI endpoint has been created in the Google Cloud Platform project gcp-project-A. As a devops I want to authorize an external application outside-gcp-app-B to consume it. This application is ...
Maxime Oriol's user avatar
2 votes
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how to specify query when searching for run in jenkins blueocean rest api

I have some jenkins project, that has multiple pipelines defined. I can easily search for runs for a certain pipeline: $ curl -k --silent "https://<SOME_SERVER>/blue/rest/search/?q=type:run;...
murison's user avatar
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I activated all three API Keys on my account, was I only suppose activate one (1), not three (3)? [closed]

I am new to web3, cloud, C++, CLI, Meta and Stack. This is all a new world a new platform for me. I have no one on one teacher I started off being a service (gig) worker to Content Creator-to-...
SilverBackGodx's user avatar
5 votes
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From inside a Docker container, how can I consume an API that is on the machine's localhost?

First of all, please forgive me if any information is missing or if my question does not meet the standards required by the site. I have very basic knowledge of docker, linux and networking and I am ...
Rafael Arend's user avatar
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Why do I get "Connection Refused" when attempting to connect to IPFS API using HTTP?

Created a Digital Ocean Ubuntu 20.04 droplet and setup an IPFS server node in it based on this tutorial. If I run the following command in the server ipfs swarm peers I get the expected results In ...
Tiago Peres's user avatar
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Trying to run a simple API GET request for private Gitlab account

I am trying to run a simple API request to GitLab through powershell 5.1. After generating an access token with all privileges using the Web UI I tried to run the following: invoke-restmethod https://...
user32882's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How to mitigate issues in an IIS on-prem application calling an unreliable cloud vendor API?

We have an IIS 10 (Windows Server) on-prem application that is calling a cloud vendor api and for some reason the api is not reliable. Sometimes the application returns results as expected. Sometimes ...
Pie's user avatar
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Can I run an API gateway on the same instance as my API?

Is there any reason why an API gateway should be on a separate server to the API? Other than ensuring enough resources for both. I am using krackend API gateway and hosting a python API.
Neil's user avatar
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Is it an antipattern to avoid API Gateway for certain tasks?

I'm creating a platform architecture for my project and I'd like to use an API Gateway of some sort for handling most requests to a Kubernetes cluster (with a few microservices). There is, however, ...
Grzegorz Judas's user avatar
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How can I build a Linux VM that I can use to test Rest API calls in a lab?

I work in Enterprise CloudOps Support and the products we support use Rest API for notifications. Frequently we get requests to help troubleshoot solutions like Pager Duty, PagerTree, ServiceNow, etc. ...
KidACrimson's user avatar
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AWS API Gateway as an http proxy to ALB

I have a setup of API Gateway proxying all the requests to my EC2 instances behind load balancer (ALB). But I want api endpoint to have a nice domain I'm trying to accomplish that ...
Most Wanted's user avatar
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Github Actions Last Build API

I'm looking for an option similar to Jenkins where I can view the last build, last successful build, last failed build, etc. with a simple api call. The Jenkins example would be: jenkins_url + /job/${...
Preston Martin's user avatar
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How to get Docker Container stats using DataDog API?

I have a running DataDog-Agent on a Docker server. Is there a function in the DataDog API to get the stats of every single container, so I could print the stats to an external Webpage? Or is there ...
Deeonix's user avatar
3 votes
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Are AWS Boto3 calls asynchronous?

In the API documentation for Apache Cloud Stack for example, they put an (A) to designate asynchronous API calls. In the Boto3 - Python client API for AWS - documentation as I can't see anything like ...
Ta Mu's user avatar
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Github rest api post label gives error for array input

We are hosting GitHub enterprise for our development. I am able to access the reset api and create jira, create PR etc. When I try to add label to my PR, it gives error for array. curl -X POST -u ...
Nilesh's user avatar
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Can I use the Jenkins REST API with user input? [closed]

I want my Jenkins Pipeline to have a user input step where it posts to a slack channel and waits for user input then uses the input to user enters (button in the slack message). So at the input step ...
red888's user avatar
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Nexus2: How can I get a list of all artifacts from a specific repository via REST API?

I want to get a list (json) of all artifacts in one specific repository via the REST API. I've already tried: curl -X GET http://localhost/nexus/service/local/respositories/<reponame>/...
alex's user avatar
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How to make a Jenkins API call when using "Log in with Google" as security?

Jenkins API calls are generally made using a username/password combination, or other set of credentials. We have a Jenkins instance using "Log in with Google" authentication, meaning no credentials ...
Alex's user avatar
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How can I get the first part of the API Deployment URL from inside cloud formation template? How can I get the u1i7vf9mnl portion of the URL from inside of the cloudformation template as a Ref or Fn::GetAtt or some other way?
Dr. Chocolate's user avatar
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How to authenticate against AWS to make API query ? and getting: <Code>...
Milister's user avatar
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Automated Integration Testing of an API in Azure Functions using VSTS

I am building a HTTP API as an Azure Function App in C# and I would like to run automated integration tests (calls to the API) as part of the CI/CD. Is this possible to do using VSTS? I have ...
Victor's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is it a common practice to include the version of an API into the rest interface itself?

I was looking for the current version of the github API, but it seems to be omitted. I am personally considering to add a new field to my own API, but I wonder whether that ...
030's user avatar
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Does Oracle have an API that shows the latest stable JDK version?

There is an ansible role that installs jdk8, but is incompatible with jdk9. The role parses a couple of html pages and the commands are incompatible with java9. It was quite hard to make it work for ...
030's user avatar
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How to get the latest stable version of Firefox?

How to get the latest version of firefox? This URL was found, but is there no API? I would like to get the latest version, e.g. 58.0.2 so this could be used for other purposes. Just latest is ...
030's user avatar
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5 answers

How to get the latest Tomcat version?

If one checks the Tomcat homepage then one could see some versions, but not only the latest. Off course I could parse the website and find the version, but I am looking for a Tomcat API that shows the ...
030's user avatar
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